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The version 2022.8 release date is September 26, 2022. リリースノートやダウンロードリンクについては、コミュニティサイトのリリースノートのセクションをご覧ください。
Nexthink Infinity 2022.8にアップグレードされました。 Nexthink Infinityは、顧客が現在使っているNexthink Experienceを基にした市場をリードするクラウドプラットフォームの新しい名前です。 それは、最新のWebインターフェースを通じて、あなたが社員のIT問題を見て、診断し、修正するのに役立つたくさんの新しい機能を提供します。 既存のデプロイメントを中断することなく、自分のペースで新しい機能や機能性を試すことができます。
新しいNexthink Infinityについてすべて学ぶにはこちらを、よくある質問をご覧ください。
新しいビジュアルエディターを使用して調査を迅速かつ簡単に行います。 Nexthinkデータをインタラクティブで直感的なインターフェースを使用してクエリし、自動的にNQLクエリを作成できます。
NexthinkのWebインターフェースから直接Remote Actionsを作成および管理します。 Remote Actionsをオンデマンドまたはスケジュールに従って実行します。 内蔵のダッシュボードでRemote Actionsの実行結果を確認します。
詳細については、Remote Actionsのオンラインドキュメントおよびトレーニングを参照してください。
Create and manage campaigns directly from the Nexthink web interface. A new web editor with campaign preview lets you create campaigns that you can run manually or on a schedule and even include a remote action to perform a task based on the employee's response.
Refer to the Campaigns online documentation and training for more information.
View device performance parameters, activities, events, and alerts on a timeline. Investigate problems by correlating device performance events with other events such as alerts, errors, connectivity, and usage of specific applications. Drill down to diagnose issues further and remediate them using remote actions.
Refer to the Device View online documentation and training for more information.
Monitor experience-related metrics to detect IT issues impacting employees. Use NQL queries to define metrics and conditions to monitor with customizable thresholds and trigger email or webhook notifications with contextual information.
Refer to the Alerts online documentation and training for more information.
Discover and use Nexthink Library content directly within the Nexthink web interface. Add new alert monitors, dashboards, remote actions, and campaigns to your environment quickly and easily.
Refer to the Library online documentation for more information.
Create custom dashboards based on NQL queries rather than metrics. This gives you immediate insight into KPIs without having to wait for metrics to accrue data over time and are updated with live data right up to the last minute.
Refer to the Live Dashboards online documentation and training for more information.
Integrate with a large number of third-party tools with automatically executed actions in order to quickly report IT incidents, issues, changes, messages, requests, alerts, and more.
Refer to the Webhooks online documentation and training for more information.
Automatically extract any part of the Nexthink data model and export it into a number of third-party data platforms. Use NQL queries to generate result sets in formats such as CSV.
Refer to the Data Export online documentation and training for more information.
Use the public IP address of employee devices to estimate their location based on a GeoIP database. This allows diagnosing performance issues by employee location without having to maintain geographical hierarchies manually.
Refer to the Geolocation of devices online documentation for more information.
Now all customers can use Nexthink Applications to measure the adoption, speed, and reliability of up to 3 web applications. Custom-defined key pages and transactions, together with guided troubleshooting flows, enable you to diagnose issues and improve the overall digital employee experience. To monitor more than 3 applications, contact your account manager to learn more about the full Application Experience expansion product.
Refer to the Applications online documentation and training for more information.
Follow brand-new Learn courses and learning paths to discover how to get the most out of the new Infinity features in order to see, diagnose, and fix your IT issues and improve your employees' digital experience.
Discover the new Infinity courses on Learn.
Use Diagnostics to troubleshoot system crashes and execution crashes of any binary. Visualize crash data in real-time to assess the impact on employees, compare with benchmarking information from other Nexthink customers, and consult AI-powered automated insights to help resolve the issue.
Refer to the Diagnostics online documentation and training for more information.
Resolve issues faster with tailored checklists for analysts, including information about device health, performance, and configuration. In addition to standard fields, you can now create custom fields with values computed using NQL queries.
Monitor performance and device inventory of IGEL thin clients. Investigate metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and Wi-Fi connection quality to help identify performance issues in complex virtual desktop scenarios.
Nexthink Collector is fully compatible and tested for use with the forthcoming macOS Ventura update.
Track the adoption of business apps and optimize license costs for unused apps by consulting information about which software packages are installed on employee endpoints.
Consult remote action execution results as if they were properties of the device. Recent results are often the most relevant, and now, you can directly query the results of the last execution of a remote action without parsing through all the data.
Restrict permissions to Live Dashboards so that only specific users have rights to view or edit dashboards.
Consult convenient contextual help directly in the Nexthink web interface with new in-product documentation. It includes actionable instructions, descriptions, tips, and links to external documentation and learning resources. In-product documentation is being progressively rolled out throughout the product.