Single-metric gauge chart
Create a single-metric gauge chart to display a ratio of a single metric in relation to the total.
Data Shape
<metric value>, <total>
NQL examples
Refer to the Live Dashboards NQL examples documentation for more information.
Single-metric gauge chart specific fields
Impact: Choose the color of the impact parameter. The options are:
Bad (red)
Average (yellow)
Good (green)
Rating: dynamically changes the color of the gauge, if the metric exceeds the provided thresholds. This enables the viewer to more quickly assess whether there is an issue. Choose from:
1 threshold: the single-metric gauge chart is either green or red, depending on whether the metric exceeds the given threshold.
Thresholds are evaluated with the >= operator. The system evaluates the above example as follows:
Good: if the metric is < 35
Bad: f the metric is >= 35
Select Invert to invert the bad and good conditions. When inverted, the system evaluates the above example as follows:
Bad: if the metric is < 35
Good: if the metric is >= 35
2 thresholds: the single-metric gauge chart is either green, yellow or red, depending on whether the metric exceeds the given thresholds.
Thresholds are evaluated with the >= operator. The system evaluates the above example as follows:
Good: if the metric is < 35
Average: if the metric is >= 35 AND the metric is < 65
Bad: if the metric is >= 65
Select Invert to invert the bad and good conditions. When inverted, the system evaluates the above example as follows:
Bad: if the metric is < 35
Average: if the metric is >= 35 AND the metric is < 65
Good: if the metric is >= 65
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