Getting started with Applications

Nexthink Applications monitors employee experience when they are using the following application types:

  • Web applications monitor URL patterns accessed through web browsers, such as :// For monitoring web applications, a browser extension developed by Nexthink works alongside the Collector, helping it gather additional information regarding digital employee experience (DEX).

  • Desktop applications monitor binaries, such as teams.exe or msteams.exe, based on the data from Nexthink Collectors.

  • Network applications monitor connection-based services using destinations such as IP, port, and domain name, based on the data from Nexthink Collectors.

Accessing Applications

To access Applications:

  • Select Applications from the main menu.

  • Click on the Applications overview page in the navigation panel to view statistics relevant to employees' use of applications in your organization.

  • Select one of the previously configured applications from the list in the navigation panel.

  • Click on Manage Applications to configure new or existing applications.


To enable proper permissions for Applications:

  • Select Administration from the main menu.

  • Click on Role from the navigation panel.

  • Click on the New Role button to create a new role or edit an existing one by hovering over an existing role and clicking on the edit icon to change the role configuration.

  • In the Permissions section, scroll down to the Applications section to enable appropriate permissions for the role.

Refer to the Roles documentation for a detailed description of the permission options.


Last updated