NQL time_elapsed()

The time_elapsed() function calculates the time elapsed since an event. The function returns the values in seconds.

Use this function with a field of datetime data type, for example:

  • the last_seen field from the devices table

  • time from the device_performance.boots table

Using with the ‘where’ clause

Use the time_elapsed() function in a where clause.


Retrieve the list of devices where the last operating system update was more than 15 days ago.

| where operating_system.last_update.time_elapsed() > 15d

Using with the ‘list’ clause

Use the time_elapsed() function in a list clause.


List devices and the time elapsed from their last startup.

| include device_performance.boots
| where type == fast_startup
| compute last_fast_startup_time = time.last()
| list name, last_fast_startup_time.time_elapsed()

Using with the ‘compute’ clause

Use the time_elapsed() function in a compute clause.


List devices and the time elapsed from their last startup. Applying chaining of functions (call multiple functions on the same field).

| include device_performance.boots
| where type == fast_startup
| compute time_since_last_fast_startup = time.last().time_elapsed()

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