The Manage Alerts page allows you to view, edit and create new monitors. Create up to 50 monitors, or increase this limit by purchasing extra volume packs. Contact your Nexthink representative for more information.
Nexthink does not recommend using the alerting system for reporting purposes. Instead, use Data Export capabilities for this purpose.
Accessing the Manage alerts page
Select Alerts and Diagnostics from the main menu.
Click on Manage alerts in the navigation panel.
Understanding the Alerts administration page
See the list of all available monitors on the Alerts administration page. The list includes built-in monitors and custom monitors.
Built-in monitors
Monitors installed from Library
Nexthink offers a set of library monitors that you can manually install from the Nexthink Library. Library monitors are preconfigured and are designed to monitor issues related to specific use cases and solutions.
Go to the Nexthink Library module within your Nexthink instance to see all available library monitors.
System monitors
System monitors are automatically installed in your Nexthink instance and permanently integrated into the Alerts module. Those monitors fall outside the scope considered when calculating the maximum number allowed by your license type.
They continuously monitor your IT environment for the most common IT issues, like performance degradations of web applications, binaries, desktop applications, and devices. Use them with the default settings or customize them as needed, add an email notification, or disable some according to your preferences.
The following system monitors are installed and activated by default:
Binary performance
Binary connection establishment time increase: Keeps track of the average connection establishment time per binary in the last hour, for each binary present in the environment. Only available for Nexthink instances fully transitioned to Infinity.
Binary crashes - High percentage of devices impacted: Keeps track of the percentage of devices with execution crashes per binary in the last 24 hours, for each binary present in the environment.
Binary crashes increase: Keeps track of the number of crashes per binary in the last 24 hours, for each binary present in the environment.
Binary failed connection ratio increase: Keeps track of the percentage of failed connections per binary in the last hour, for each binary present in the environment.
Binary freezes - High percentage of devices with freezes: Keeps track of the percentage of devices with freezes per binary in the last hour, for each binary present in the environment.
Binary memory - Average memory usage increase: Keeps track of the average memory usage per binary in the last six hours, for each binary present in the environment.
Binary - global anomalies
Binary CPU usage - global anomaly: Detects anomalies in CPU usage across versions or configurations of binaries, based on anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary crashes - global anomaly: Detects anomalies in crashes reliability across versions or configurations of binaries, based on anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary freezes - global anomaly: Detects anomalies in freezes frequency across versions or configurations of binaries, based on anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary memory usage - global anomaly: Detects anomalies in memory usage across versions or configurations of binaries, based on anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary - lagging performance
Binary CPU usage - lagging performance: Detects when the CPU usage of a specific binary in your organization is higher than that of other companies using the same binary. Nexthink benchmarks CPU usage with anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary crashes - lagging performance: Detects when the crashes frequency of a specific binary in your organization is higher than that of other companies using the same binary. Nexthink benchmarks binary crashes with anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary freezes - lagging performance: Detects when the freezes frequency of a specific binary in your organization is higher than that of other companies using the same binary. Nexthink benchmarks binary freezes with anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Binary memory usage - lagging performance: Detects when the memory usage of a specific binary in your organization is higher than that of other companies using the same binary. Nexthink benchmarks memory usage with anonymized data from all companies using Nexthink.
Device performance decline
Boot duration increase: Keeps track of the average device boot duration.
Logon duration increase: Keeps track of the average device logon duration.
System crashes increase: Keeps track of the number of devices with system crashes per OS platform in the last day, for each OS platform present in the environment.
Device performance and connectivity poor ratings
Detect issues based on the poor thresholds that Nexthink Administrators can configure for endpoint-related performance metrics of the Digital Employee Experience score. Refer to Ratings management for more information.
Boot speed: Detects devices with poor Boot duration ratings.
Logon speed: Detects devices with poor Login time ratings.
CPU usage: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor CPU usage ratings.
CPU interrupt usage: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor CPU interrupt ratings.
Disk queue length: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor Disk queue length ratings.
System free space: Detects devices with poor System drive free space rating.
WiFi strength: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor WiFi signal strength ratings.
GPU 1 / GPU 2 usage: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor GPU1 or GPU2 usage rating.
Virtual session lag: Detects devices with poor average session network latency.
WiFi upload speed: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor WiFi transmission rate ratings.
WiFi download speed: Detects devices with frequent (30% of the time) poor WiFi receive rate ratings.
Web applications
Web applications errors increase: Keeps track of the increase of the number of pages with errors per web application in the last hour, for each web application defined in the Applications module.
Web applications slow page loads increase: Keeps track of the average page load time per web application in the last hour, for each web application defined in the Applications module.
Web applications slow transactions increase: Keeps track of the average transaction duration per web application in the last hour, for each web application defined in the Applications module.
Web applications - resource errors increase: Keeps track of the number of resource errors during past 12h, for each web application configured in your environment.
Web applications - percentage of incomplete transactions increase: Keeps track of the percentage of incomplete transactions during past 12h, for each transaction configured as part of web application configuration in your environment.
Web applications - percentage of frustrating transactions per transaction increase: Keeps track of the percentage of frustrating transactions during past 12h, for each transaction configured as part of web application configuration in your environment.
Web applications - percentage of frustrating page loads per key page increase: Keeps track of the percentage of frustrating page loads during past 12h, for each key page and web application configured in your environment.
Explore additional details on system monitors directly within your Nexthink Library module for comprehensive information.
Custom monitors
Creating a custom monitor from scratch allows you to define issue detection specific to your needs. Use an NQL query to define one or more metrics to monitor and a static threshold value.
Nexthink recommends starting with built-in monitors as they offer a wider scope of features compared to custom monitors, for example, the ability to monitor a metric change. Refer to the Customizing built-in monitors section for more information.
Tagging monitors
Tagging allows you to quickly sort and filter monitors. Open the Tags right-side panel to:
Search for a specific tag at the top of the panel.
Select one or more tags to filter the monitors.
Tags are also displayed on the Alerts Overview page, where you can filter alerts. Use Tags to filter specific alerts when sending notifications via Webhooks.
To add one or more tags to a monitor, from the Alerts > Manage Alerts page:
Hover over a monitor to display the action menu and choose Manage tags.
From the Manage tags pop-up you can:
Type in a new tag or choose an existing one to add it to the monitor.
Open the action menu of a specific tag item to Delete tag or change the tag color.
Deleting a tag only removes it from the monitor it is associated with.
Alternatively, select multiple monitors to Manage tags in bulks.
You can also edit tags on the specific monitor configuration page.