What's new 2022.3

This page lists the upcoming changes to your Nexthink Experience platform.

For the release notes and download links, see the Nexthink Experience 2022.3 release on our community website.

Library pack: Application Experience browser extension status

Monitor the Application Experience browser extension status as Enabled, Disabled or Not installed across every macOS device in your IT landscape and ensure accurate insights into your digital employee experience on the web.

Get Application Experience browser extension status.

Application Experience Management Certification

Develop your skills with our new Application Experience Management learning path.

  • Understand the benefits of Application Experience, its deployment, and configuration process.

  • Learn how to measure employee sentiment and adoption of web applications.

  • Discover how to analyze and troubleshoot web application issues.

  • Pass an assessment and become a Certified Nexthink Professional in Application Experience Management.

Visit Nexthink Learn and enroll in our six new courses today.

Last updated