Getting started with Investigations

Investigations allow you to gain insights into employees' digital experiences and look for specific technical metrics.

Accessing investigations

To access an investigation, follow one of these options:

  1. Select Investigations from the main menu.

    • Open an existing Shared or Private investigation grouped by investigation tags, and listed within the main menu.

    • Click the New button within the main menu to create an investigation.

  2. Select Investigations > Manage investigations from the main menu.

    • Open an existing investigation or create a New investigation.

Refer to the Managing Investigations documentation for tagging, importing, sharing, exporting and managing investigations.

Using investigations

Investigations rely mainly on the following:

The query engine manages large data sets and controls various mechanisms to protect service resources within the data storage layer.

By default, the maximum number of query results is 10,000 rows displayed on the Nexthink web interface.

The export to CSV feature returns up to 1,000,000 rows.

Granting permissions for investigations

To enable proper permissions for Investigations visibility and management, select Administration > Roles from the main menu.

In the Permissions section, scroll down to the Investigations section to enable appropriate permissions for the role.

Refer to the Roles documentation for a detailed description of Investigations permission options.


Last updated