Profiles (classic)

Nexthink Finder is a Windows-only desktop application whose functionality is now available within the Nexthink web interface. Nexthink can now be used directly from a browser and most functions no longer require an additional desktop application.

A user profile defines the access rights of a user to the Nexthink features and the different domains of the hierarchy and roles for Finder (classic).

Accessing profiles

  1. Select the Administration module from the main menu.

  2. Select Profiles under the Account management section.

  3. Hover over an existing profile to reveal the edit icon on the right side of the row. Click on the edit icon to change an existing profile.

  4. Click the New profile button in the top-right corner of the page to open a wizard for the new profile.

    1. Enter a name for the profile.

    2. Optional: Enter a profile description.

Landing page

Define a custom landing page for the profile. The users with this profile land on the page after logging into the Nexthink web interface. Ensure that the users of the profile have the necessary permissions to view the page, otherwise, an error message appears.

  • Leave the textbox empty or enter / for the system to redirect the user to the first module in the main menu. The module may differ based on the user license and permissions.

  • Enter a relative path to the page you want the users to land on after logging into the Nexthink web interface. For example, the relative path of this URL is /strategic-eo/overview . If the string is not a valid path, an error message appears to the user after the login.

  • Test if the landing page is working properly after assigning the profile to a specific user.

Set privacy settings

Select the Data privacy settings for the profile:

  • anonymous users, devices, destinations and domains: users with this profile cannot view the names of users, devices, destinations or domains.

  • anonymous users and devices: users with this profile cannot view the names of users or devices.

  • anonymous users: users with this profile cannot see the names of users.

  • none (full access): users with this profile have full access to the collected data.

Custom dashboards and Finder permissions

Nexthink is replacing classic features such as Nexthink Finder and Custom dashboards with new ones. As those features will remain available, you can manage their permissions and access settings in the Custom dashboards and Finder permissions tab.

Customer dashboards and Finder permissions

View domain

The system only enforces the View Domain settings in Custom dashboards in Finder. Profiles with access to other features can see data from any device, for example in Applications, Investigations, Remote Actions and others.

Specify the view domain of the profile for each defined hierarchy. Users can only view the objects grouped in the specified domain:

  1. In the from field, select the highest level in the hierarchy that belongs to the view domain.

  2. In the Nodes field, either:

    • Choose the top node of the view domain from the available nodes of the level. This node and all the nodes below it belong to the view domain, down to the level specified in the next step.

    • Leave the top node undefined by choosing --parameter-- from the list. Define the top node of the view domain individually for each user when creating their user account.

  3. In the to field, select the lowest level in the hierarchy that belongs to the view domain.

The Administrator rights permission requires no restriction on the view domain


Roles are only used to grant access to Custom dashboard and Finder content such as modules, V6 alerts, V6 remote actions and others.

Select the roles of the profile by clicking their name in the Role(s) list. Use the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (macOS) to select several roles at the same time. The profile inherits the investigations, alerts, and other modules attributed to the selected roles.

Access Finder

Specify permissions for Finder:

  • Access Nexthink Finder enables users to access Nexthink Finder.

  • Configure system enables users to:

    • Edit categories, services, metrics, scores and global alerts.

    • Import and export content.

    • Manually synchronize users and devices with Active Directory. You can only select this option if you have granted full access to the profile in the privacy settings.

  • Edit application and object tags enables users to modify the tags of objects in Finder.

  • Edit remote actions enables users to modify remote actions scripts. This option requires the profile to have full access to data in the privacy settings and an unrestricted view domain in at least one of the defined hierarchies.

  • Execute remote actions via API enables users to execute remote actions programmatically through the Remote Actions API. This option requires the profile to have full access to data in the privacy settings and an unrestricted view domain in at least one of the defined hierarchies.

  • Manage all campaigns enables users with this permission to create, modify and publish campaigns and trigger manually targeted campaigns to get employee feedback. This option requires the profile to have full access to data in the privacy settings and an unrestricted view domain in at least one of the defined hierarchies.

  • Manage Collectors enables users to follow and control the deployment of Collector from Finder. You can only select this option if the profile has full access in the privacy setting.

  • Trigger campaigns via API enables users to send campaigns programmatically through the Campaigns API. This option requires the profile to have full access to data in the privacy settings and an unrestricted view domain in at least one of the defined hierarchies.

  • View all campaigns dashboard enables users to see the results of campaigns from the Nexthink web interface easily. This option requires the profile to have an unrestricted view domain in at least one of the defined hierarchies.

  • Web & Cloud visibility: Set the visibility level of web and cloud information for users with the current profile to either restricted or full.

Custom dashboards

Specify permissions for Custom dashboards:

  1. Available metrics: choose the group of metrics for users to build their own dashboards and view dashboards created by others:

    • All metrics enables users to see and use any of the metrics in the system. This option is mandatory if the user must edit metrics.

    • Only metrics in roles enables users to see and use only those metrics which are a part of their roles, that is metrics embedded in the modules added to their roles. This is the only available option if the user has no right to create personal dashboards.

  2. Create personal dashboards enables users to create their own modules and dashboards.

  3. Publish dashboards enables users to publish their own modules and dashboards so that others can use them. This permission is only available when the permission Create personal dashboards is granted.

  4. Receive email digests: subscribe the user to a summary of what has occurred over the past week. Digests provide an overall summary of your module status based on the metrics that interest you and key figures of the defined service.

Experience optimization

View Experience Optimization enables users to manage the digital employee experience (DEX) of their company from the Optimization page.


Single sign-on

Last updated