Managing Remote Actions
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To access the Remote Actions administration page:
Select Remote Actions > Manage remote actions.
Nexthink offers a set of preconfigured remote actions that you can manually install from Nexthink Library. Go to the Nexthink Library module within your Nexthink instance to install, manage, and update predefined remote actions.
Refer to Nexthink Library documentation for more information.
Unlike remote actions installed from Library, you can freely edit and customize remote actions copied from Library to better suit your needs without the need to create one from scratch. Nexthink recommends using Library content as a starting point before attempting to create any custom remote actions.
Refer to Nexthink Library documentation for more information.
Creating a remote action from scratch allows you to define a variety of remote actions, from opening applications following certain campaign results to updating employee devices to remote troubleshooting.
Refer to Creating custom remote actions for more information. If you want to write your own remote action scripts, refer to Writing scripts for remote actions on Windows and Writing scripts for remote actions on Mac for more information.
To create a new remote action:
Select Remote Actions from the main menu.
Click on the New button at the top of the navigation menu.
Alternatively, create a new remote action through the Administration page:
Select Remote Actions > Manage remote actions.
Click on the New remote action button in the top-right corner of the page.
Fill in all necessary information and click on the Save Remote Action button.
The New remote action page includes 2 configuration tabs to define the remote action.
Enter the name, NQL ID, description, triggering options, targeting options and purpose of the remote action.
Select the triggering mechanisms for the remote action:
Manual: Trigger the remote action manually from the web interface.
API: Trigger the execution on selected devices via API.
Workflow: Enable the listing and execution of remote actions using the Remote action Thinklet workflow.
Schedule: Trigger the execution using an NQL query at the scheduled time.
When you execute a remote action on an on-demand basis (manually, through a workflow or API), the system prioritizes it over scheduled remote actions. This ensures concurrent scheduled remote actions do not delay on-demand remote action executions.
Select which environments the remote action should target:
Devices: Enable the remote action to target specific devices.
VDI session: Enable the remote action to target VDI sessions.
When targeting a session, choose whether to target:
VDI: The remote action targets the VDI device for that session.
Client: The remote action targets the client device from which the user connects to the VDI session. Note that this only works if Collector is installed on the client device.
Optionally, allow the user to override the above selection.
Select the purpose for the remote action:
Data collection: The intent of the remote action is to collect data from the targeted device.
Remediation: The intent of the remote action is to perform an action on the targeted device.
Import a remote action script for Windows and macOS platforms. Once imported, fill in the Parameters field, and the Outputs information appears.
Use the Advanced Configuration option to select the context for executing the script, and the options available include local system, interactive user or service.
To save the remote action, you must add a Windows PowerShell or macOS Bash script.
Library-pack updates overwrite existing scripts and all configurations of the remote action, requiring you to re-sign it after the update. Therefore, for remote actions installed from the library and system remote actions, Nexthink recommends against making any modifications other than re-signing the script.
Refer to the Writing scripts for remote actions on Windows and Writing scripts for remote actions on Mac documentation for more information.
Remote action scripts have a 600 KB maximum size limit:
Up to 50 inputs with a maximum total of 30 KB characters.
Up to 50 outputs with value limits depending on the type.
You can specify up to 50 inputs required for the script's execution. You have the option to define a list of permitted parameter values and enable users to provide a custom value during execution.
Name: The name that appears to the user when the system asks for a parameter value.
Description: A meaningful description of the parameter.
Value: List of possible values for the parameter, one value per line. At least one value is required. The value on the first line is the default value option.
Allow the user to enter a custom value: Allow users to specify a custom parameter value other than those included in the list.
Define up to 50 outputs of the remote action.
Name: The name that appears when the system displays remote action outputs in investigations and dashboards.
Description: A meaningful description of the output parameter.
Type: The data type of the parameter.
Choose to run the script as a local system user (default), as an interactive user or as a service:
Local system user: Use this for tasks that require system rights, for example to uninstall software, or get the value of system information like drivers or registry keys.
Interactive user: Use this for actions executed for a specific user, like getting the size of their recycle bin, or closing an application using a campaign. If these were to be run as Local system user they would return the size of the system user recycle bin, or would try to close applications used by the system instead of the user logged into the device.
Service: Use this to configure the remote action to run within a dedicated service. For example, remote action can run on a Windows server (proxy) using a service account that has the necessary permissions to update Active Directory. Running as a service is only supported on Windows devices and requires the use of a Windows script (PowerShell). To use this feature, follow specific steps on the target device to create the service. In the service name field, you need to specify the value of the --service-name
parameter used during service setup.
Set the time-out for the script (in seconds). If the remote action cannot complete its action within the allotted time the system will terminate the script.
Refer to the in-product documentation for more information. You can find it in the side panel menu.
The remote actions table lists all available remote actions.
The table is organized by:
Name: The name of the remote action.
Origin: An indication of where the remote action originates from:
Custom: A remote action created within the Remote Actions module.
Installed from Library: A remote action installed from the Nexthink Library module. You can configure the following fields:
Input Parameter Description
Input Parameter Value
Output Parameter Description
Custom Value
All fields in the Schedule tab Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information on how to install a remote action.
Copied from library: A remote action copied from the Nexthink Library module. You can fully edit copied remote actions to fit your needs. Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information on how to create a copy of a remote action.
Tags: Displays the list of tags assigned to each remote action.
Platforms: The platform for which a remote action was designed.
Triggers: The trigger method used to configure a remote action with the following options:
Manual: Trigger the remote action manually from the web interface, e.g., through Investigations or Device View.
API: Trigger the execution on selected devices via API.
Schedule: Trigger the execution using an NQL query on a recurring basis at a scheduled time.
Search field: A field that filters the table by searching for the name of a remote action.
Select a relevant remote action and click over the action menu on the right side of the table to view:
Details: Open the execution details page.
Configure: Change the configuration of a library remote action.
Edit: Edit a selected remote action.
Manage tags: Create, assign, and edit remote action tags.
Share: Grant permissions to other users to view or edit a remote action. Refer to the Sharing a remote action section.
Copy NQL ID: Copy the NQL ID of a remote action for use by the API.
Export: Export a remote action to a JSON file.
Delete: Remove a remote action from the system.
Tagging allows you to efficiently organize remote actions, facilitating quick and easy navigation through your data.
Open the Tags right-side panel to:
Search for a specific tag at the top of the panel.
Select one or more tags to filter the remote actions table.
To add one or more tags to a monitor, from the Remote actions > Manage remote actions page:
Hover over a remote action to display the action menu and choose Manage tags.
From the Manage tags pop-up you can:
Type in a new tag or choose an existing one to add it to the remote action.
Open the action menu of a specific tag item to Delete tag or change the tag color.
Deleting a tag only removes it from the remote action it is associated with.
Alternatively, select multiple remote actions to Manage tags in bulks.
Remote action can have a maximum of 10 tags associated with it.
Share a remote action with profiles and grant them appropriate permissions to view dashboards, make edits or execute remote actions. For example, you can share the Get Battery Status remote action with the Service desk profile that contains permissions to execute and view the remote action dashboard. Only users with the Manage All Remote Actions feature permission enabled can see the Share option. Refer to the Getting started with Remote Actions documentation for more information.
Hover over a remote action to reveal the action menu and select Share. The Share remote action modal opens.
In the Add profile text field, type in the user profiles you wish to share the remote action with.
From the Select permissions drop-down menu, select the appropriate permissions for the profile. The choices are:
View dashboards: Access the remote action dashboards from the navigation panel and the remote actions table on the Overview page.
Edit: Edit a remote action.
Execute: Execute a remote action.
Click on Clear all to disable all permissions.
Click on the Grant permissions button to share the remote action.
To import remote actions—in JSON—from your local device:
Click the Import button in the top-right corner of the Remote actions > Manage remote actions page.
Choose or drag multiple JSON files from your hard drive to import them into the system.
All imported items from local devices are listed as custom.
To import a remote action from Nexthink Library:
Click on the action menu located next to the Import button.
Select Nexthink library. The system redirects you to the library page with remote actions to download.
Import the downloaded file.
Executing remote actions on VDI sessions requires Nexthink VDI Experience.
Run remote actions on-demand from the NQL query results on the Investigations page. This can be on a single target device, multiple devices, or all of them, depending on whether you have configured the remote action to allow multiple executions.
From Investigations from the main menu:
Use the NQL editor or Visual editor to query a list of the Devices or VDI sessions.
Select one or multiple Devices or VDI sessions and Execute action—using the action bar.
Select the remote action of interest, identifiable by a rocket icon, and run on the selected sessions/devices.
Only remote actions configured for VDI can run on sessions.
From the action bar, select Execute remote action. A modal appears with a list of available remote actions to choose from.
Select the remote action and click on the Execute button.
When running remote actions on a large number of devices, Nexthink recommends exporting the execution results, as the user interface limits the number of records displayed to 10,000.
After selecting a device from an investigation or Nexthink Assist search results:
Toggle the Actions panel from the right side of the page.
Choose a remote action. From the hamburger menu, select Execute action.
Track all remote actions triggered from Amplify and filter the fields in the remote_action.executions table. To access the triggered remote action data, include these fields in the NQL query.
trigger_method: The trigger mode used to start the remote action execution.
internal_source: The Nexthink module used to trigger the remote action.
external_reference: The reference ID used to track the ticket.
external_source: The identifier of the external web application record in relation to the remote action was executed.
The table is organized based on the results of the NQL query executed in remote_action.executions.
Refer to Remote Actions NQL examples for more information.