What's new 2022.5
This page lists the upcoming changes to your Nexthink Experience platform.
Version 2022.5 is available and scheduled for deployment all around the world starting on June 8. For the release notes and download links, see the release notes section on our community website.
General availability of the connector for Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
Enrich your employee data with information from Azure AD. You can also use it to enhance the implementation of import connectors in hybrid configurations where users log in using both Cloud and on-premises instances of Active Directory, for example, with Microsoft Teams.
New Bulk Data Export scheduling capabilities
Automate your data exports with the new scheduling feature. Plan regular exports in the configuration tab with the hourly, daily and weekly options. Once the Data Exporter is saved, the scheduling frequency appears as a new column in the list of data exporters.
Documentation new URL format
Easily access the latest version of the product documentation and link to a specific page, thanks to the new URL mechanism. Remember to adjust your bookmarks to the new URL format accordingly.
Previous URL format https://docs.nexthink.com/Experience/2022.5/What's-new.1209499649.html
New URL format https://docs.nexthink.com/Experience/latest/whats-new
Last updated