What's new 2024.1
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The version 2024.1 release date is January 15, 2024. View the release notes on the Extended Documentation website.
Understand the evolution of key metrics over the last 13 months without using external tools or classic Custom Dashboards.
You can now define your own custom trend data by expressing it as an NQL query. The system computes new trend data daily and stores it over a rolling window of the last 13 months. Refer to the Custom trends management documentation for more information.
Access trend data through NQL or visualize it directly in Live Dashboards, which now has additional long-term timeframe options in the timeframe picker:
Last 90 days
Last 6 months
Last 1 year
Custom: select up to 395 days in the past
You can set one of these long-term options in the dashboard editor as the default timeframe. Refer to the Timeframe picker documentation for more information.
Plan, execute, track and demonstrate real DEX improvements over time with 13 months of DEX data retention.
DEX scores will be retained and accessible for a rolling 13-month period in the Digital Experience module, aggregated weekly. This aggregation was initiated with the 2023.9 release in late October of last year, resulting in 2 months of DEX data accumulated to date. The full 13-month trend history will be achieved by the end of 2024. Refer to the Using Digital Experience documentation for more information.
Experience Central is subject to an additional license. Contact your Nexthink representative for more information.
Make better decisions by understanding qualitative sentiment alongside quantitative metrics, by integrating sentiment into the DEX score V3.
Starting from 2024.1, if you run a DEX sentiment campaign, the results will be included in the DEX V3 score computation. This change will progressively impact your overall DEX score by factoring in sentiment data for employees who have answered a DEX sentiment campaign. The current DEX score based on hard metrics can still be tracked using the Technology score. Refer to the Using Digital Experience documentation for more information.
Integrate Nexthink data into external solutions using a standardized, cloud-native WebAPI. The NQL API lets you execute predefined queries on-demand and retrieve the results using two API endpoints:
The execute
endpoint (api/v1/execute
) is optimized for small queries and responds instantly. This endpoint is typically used for tight integration with third-party solutions that target individual users and devices.
The export
endpoint (api/v1/export
) is optimized for large queries, and responses may take longer depending on the size of the results set. This endpoint is typically used to export data for reporting.
Learn how to implement the NQL API to easily integrate with other systems using the interactive documentation on the Nexthink Developer Portal.
Proactively monitor connectivity issues of all binaries and configured applications. Receive an alert when connectivity issues increase compared to usual patterns, using a new baselining method to detect anomalies.
These monitors require the Infinity connection data that was released in version 2023.10 to customers who completed their transition to Infinity. Refer to the Managing Alerts documentation for more information.
Support users more easily with relevant properties grouped in context for quick assessment and analysis.
Checklist administrators can now group checklist properties in custom sections and sort the checklist properties and groups in a custom order. These changes make checklists even more convenient for Device View and Amplify support agents. Refer to the Checklists documentation for more information.
Amplify is subject to an additional license. Contact your Nexthink representative for more information.
Improve the efficiency of service desk agents with improved support for lookups involving customized identifier fields. The Amplify field selector now allows you to select partial text from a field using regular expressions, offering new possibilities to look up Nexthink information from the tool of your choice. Refer to the Amplify documentation for more information.
Amplify is subject to an additional license. Contact your Nexthink representative for more information.
Find what you're looking for more quickly with faster navigation to different troubleshooting dashboards and investigations directly from Search. Any search results that include binaries, devices, packages and users now support an action menu, allowing you to easily navigate to relevant investigations and dashboards. Refer to the Search documentation for more information.
Consult remote action execution results and device count in the enhanced execution dashboard. The results shown are accurate and consistent with an NQL query, saving you the effort of writing the NQL yourself. Refer to the Using remote actions documentation for more information.
With Nexthink Browser Extension, monitor the usage of web applications with less effort by configuring and testing transactions with ease.
The Auto detect elements option now provides a Configure button to configure transactions using identified elements and a Test mode to verify if the transaction configuration accurately captures the user interaction. You can then export and import this configuration into the web interface to complete the transaction configuration. Refer to the Transactions documentation for more information.
This functionality will be made available following the completion of the 2024.1 rollout as it requires an update to Nexthink Browser Extension at Chrome, Edge and Firefox stores.
Save the time and effort of duplicating campaigns to handle linguistic variants for Chinese users with the new language options, Chinese (simplified) and Chinese (traditional) that replace the existing Chinese option. Existing Chinese-language campaigns are now considered Chinese (simplified). Support of Chinese (traditional) requires updating Collector to version 24.1 or higher. Refer to the Creating Campaigns documentation for more information.
Increase security and share the management of campaigns with new global permissions that differentiate who can trigger all campaigns from those who can manage or view all campaigns. Additionally, share campaigns with users to view, edit, or manually trigger a campaign. Refer to the Managing Campaigns documentation for more information.
Save time by managing large groups of permissions directly from the user profile page. Administrators can now see all the content shared with the current profile from the profile page and add or remove items. This means that you can now manage content permissions in two places: from the user profile page and the individual content itself. Refer to the Profiles documentation for more information.
This functionality will be made available following the completion of the 2024.1 rollout in all regions.
Protect the privacy of your employees and comply with regulations and worker council agreements by configuring Collector not to report usernames. Refer to the Configuring Collector level anonymization documentation for more information.
Note that this feature requires updating Collector to version 24.1 or higher.
Reduce the cost of unnecessary E5 licenses and save the time needed for a manual license reclamation process with a new fully automated workflow for Nexthink Flow.
The Microsoft 365 E5 license optimization workflow detects users who have an E5 license, but do not use Power BI. The system then asks for permission to reclaim the license and changes the user Entra ID licensing group from E5 to E3.Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information.
Flow is subject to an additional license. Contact your Nexthink representative for more information.
Monitor the usage and underuse of different Salesforce Lightning licenses with the Salesforce experience and license optimization pack. You can then cross-check this usage information with your own Salesforce licensing data to optimize the proper assignment of licenses and support your license cost-reduction projects. Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information.
Monitor the health of laptop batteries and identify batteries to replace with the new Battery health dashboard, available in the Alerts and Diagnostics module. Data in this dashboard is collected using the Get Battery Status remote action, which is installed as system content. You must schedule this remote action if you haven't done so before. Refer to the Additional dashboards documentation for more information.
Build powerful and intuitive queries by aggregating metrics with countif
and sumif
. These conditional aggregates allow you to calculate ratios of event metrics or aggregate multiple metrics with filters and then analyze their distribution over time or correlate with other properties of the event. Refer to the NQL countif and NQL sumif documentation for more information.
Improve your IT fleet reliability by ensuring the desired service configuration across all devices. Reduce boot times by monitoring the number of startup services and resolve issues more quickly with device-level service details when troubleshooting.
You can now track the presence of the different services on a device and some of the key configuration options, see if they are being launched on boot or on demand, and which user accounts they are running under. Service information can be investigated using the Visual Editor or directly queried with NQL.
This functionality will be made available after completion of the release in all regions, roughly one week after the start of the rollout.
Monitor applications more easily with the possibility to re-order key pages. Nexthink administrators can now order key pages when configuring an application. Key pages can be moved up and down to place detailed key pages at the top of the list and leave generic key pages at the bottom. Refer to the Key pages documentation for more information.
Troubleshoot issues more easily with more detailed line charts. Now, when you choose a timeframe for your chart, you can also select a time granularity from a new associated dropdown menu. In addition to setting the default timeframe, you can also set the default time granularity in the chart editor. Refer to the Timeframe picker documentation for more information.
Diagnose issues more effectively in Device View with new detailed descriptions of the device properties in the right-side panel. Now, when properties are displayed in the timeline’s right-side panel, you can hover over the labels to reveal a tooltip with rich information about that property. Refer to the Timeline documentation for more information.
Identify IT issues related to a specific VDI image by seeing which golden image was used to deploy a virtual machine.
Continue to benefit from Nexthink insights in ServiceNow with the CMDB connector now recertified for use with the Vancouver update.
Increase your productivity with 5 useful tips for getting more out of Nexthink. Check out the new 5 Time-saving Nexthink tips video accessible directly from the product Help Center.
Take steps towards sustainability with the new course How to drive sustainable IT with Nexthink and learn how to apply the campaigns, remote actions and live dashboards included in the Sustainable IT library pack.
Find release notes more easily on the Nexthink documentation site. Starting from 2024.1, release notes will be published on the Nexthink Extended Documentation website.