Configuration guide: Intune client continuity


To get started with this workflow, please ensure all related content is installed and configured appropriately. This page provides guidance on which content is included and how to configure it.

Please keep in mind this is just a guide and represents suggested configurations. You are free to customize and edit content as you see fit based on your specific environment.


This library pack contains content from the following expansion products.

Content list and dependency

This library pack contains the following content and dependencies:

Configuration guide

Step 1) Install library pack content

Go to the Nexthink Library and install all required content.

Step 2) Configure ITSM API connector credentials

The configuration of connector credentials is essential for enabling API calls. Each Service/API thinklet has a dropdown field for credentials that needs to be filled out. When the workflow is installed or copied from the Library, this field will be blank as it is a local setup of each environment and is not included in the Library. See detailed information in the documentation.

ServiceNow actions can be created using the built-in ServiceNow connector. More information about the ServiceNow Incident Management connector can be found in the documentation.

Step 3) Configure remote action(s)

This workflow uses the following remote actions. Make sure to install the latest versions and complete the setup as below.

Step 4) Schedule the workflow

This is an event-triggered workflow, designed to run after a hardware reset punctual event has been detected using NQL.

Recommended trigger configuration

Select the Scheduled trigger type and configure the event trigger as shown below.


1 devices during past 7d
2 | where operating_system.platform == Windows and !in ["*server*"]

Recurrence: Weekly - select at least one day.

Usage guide

Your content is now configured and ready to be used. For usage overview and recommendations, you can visit the usage guide:

Usage guide: Intune client continuity


Last updated