Managing Campaigns

The Campaigns Administration page lets you view, create, and edit your campaigns. Create up to five campaigns, or increase this limit by purchasing extra volume packs. Contact your Nexthink representative for more information.

Accessing the Campaigns Administration page

To navigate to the Campaigns Administration page:

  • Select Campaigns from the main menu.

  • Click on Manage campaigns in the navigation menu.

Consult the table of all available campaigns on the Campaigns Administration page. The table is organized by:

  • Name: Edit the campaign by clicking on its name.

  • Origin: Campaigns can be Custom, Copied from library or Installed from library.

  • Tags: View tags associated with a campaign.

  • Status: Campaigns can be in a Draft, Published or Retired state.

  • Last published: The date a campaign was last published.

  • Triggers: The trigger method can be Manual, Scheduled, Remote Action, or API.

You can search for a specific campaign by name using the search box at the top right of the table.

Refer to the Creating campaigns documentation for more information about creating custom campaigns and configuring library campaigns.

Action menu

Hover over a campaign to reveal the action menu on the right side of the row. The action menu is context-sensitive and changes depending on the status of a campaign.

When you delete a campaign, the system deletes all responses associated with the campaign.

Sharing a campaign

Share a campaign with user profiles and grant them appropriate permissions to View dashboards, Edit or Trigger campaigns. Only users with the Manage all campaigns permission enabled can see the Share option. Refer to the Roles documentation for more information about user permissions.

  • Hover over a campaign to reveal the action menu and select Share. The Share campaign modal opens.

  • In the Add profile text field, type in the user profiles you wish to share the campaign with.

  • From the Select permissions drop-down menu, select the appropriate permissions for the profile. The choices are:

    • View dashboards: Access the campaign dashboards from the navigation panel. The system shows published and retired campaigns.

    • Edit: Edit a campaign.

    • Trigger: Trigger a campaign from the Investigation module if the campaign's trigger has been set to Manual.

  • Click Clear all to disable all permissions.

  • Click the Grant permissions button to share the campaign.

Tagging a campaign

Filtering with tags

Create and associate tags with campaigns to quickly filter the results of the campaigns table.

  • Click the tags icon in the right-side menu to open the Tags panel.

  • Search for a specific tag at the top of the panel.

  • Select one or more tags to filter the campaigns table.

Creating and assigning tags

  1. Hover over a campaign to reveal the action menu on the right side of the table.

  2. Select Edit tags to open the Tags modal.

  3. Enter the name of the new tag or an existing one to add it to the campaign.

  4. Open the tag’s action menu to remove the tag or to change its color.

Importing a campaign

Importing a campaign from your hard drive

  • Click on the Import button at the top-right of the Campaigns Administration page to import a campaign in a JSON format.

  • Select the file from your hard drive and import it into the system. The file appears on the list of campaigns.

Branding your campaigns

Brand your campaigns with a logo and custom colors to make employees comfortable and build their trust when answering campaign questions.

  • Click on the action menu at the top right corner of the page.

  • Select Manage campaign branding to open the Campaign branding page.

Refer to the Campaigns branding documentation for more information.

Installing a campaign from Nexthink Library

Refer to the Creating campaigns documentation for more information.


Last updated