Nexthink Infinity Platform

The Platform

Nexthink designed the platform components to simplify operations, ensure scaling and allow quick deployment by freeing the customer from infrastructure management. The solution includes a cloud platform, aggregating data and providing real-time IT analytics as well as endpoint agents and a web interface.

The endpoint agents

Nexthink Collector and the Applications browser extension are endpoint agents installed on employee devices. They report properties from the devices of employees such as the operating system, RAM, CPU model, and others. Refer to the Collector overview documentation for more information.

The web interface

The Nexthink web interface provides real-time access to data gathered by Nexthink agents using powerful visualization tools and techniques. It allows you to search and analyze information stored in the data storage layer using various modules.

The Nexthink web interface modules

Access the modules from the main menu on the left side of the Nexthink web interface. Refer to The web interface documentation for more information about terminology, navigation, various components, dashboards and widgets.

Nexthink Search is a valuable tool whether you are a beginner or an experienced Nexthink user, as it helps save time by directly bringing useful information to your fingertips. When searching for a particular piece of information, you simply type whatever you are looking for into the search field. The results of a search are all relevant items and investigations, including user, device or application names. Refer to the Search documentation for more information.

Digital Experience

Experience Central is the starting point for managing organizational challenges related to the digital workplace. It gives you visibility and insight into all aspects of employee experience required to make strategic IT decisions. With Experience Central, you can get an overview of the current Digital Experience (DEX) score, its distribution across groups of employees, and its evolution over time. Refer to the Digital Experience documentation for more information.


The Applications module offers a holistic view of your IT landscape by combining application speed, reliability, adoption and sentiment in one easy-to-navigate solution within the Nexthink web interface. You get end-to-end visibility across all dimensions of your critical business applications to accelerate application adoption and usage while streamlining the management of the entire application lifecycle. Refer to the Applications documentation for more information.

Live Dashboards

With Live Dashboards, you can view, filter and organize real-time data to reveal significant information about the IT infrastructure and services within your corporate network. Use pre-built dashboards or create your own to best support your organization's goals. Refer to the Live Dashboards documentation for more information.


Campaigns give you a way to connect directly with employees via timed and targeted pop-up notifications and ensure employees respond by only sending messages relevant to their digital experience. With all your Campaigns in one place, you can easily create, schedule and monitor them with accessible dashboards and simple configuration. Refer to the Campaigns documentation for more information.

Remote Actions

Remote actions provide a number of possibilities for the prevention and remediation of issues encountered by employees, as well as for gathering additional information from devices. With Remote actions, you can remotely execute scripts on employee devices to provide employees with assisted services, help them independently solve issues or get additional data from devices and incorporate it into Nexthink. Refer to the Remote Actions documentation for more information.


Investigations lets you query the real-time database and look for specific information about objects such as users and devices, activities such as campaign responses, navigations, or events such as crashes and connectivity issues. You can perform investigations using Nexthink Query Language (NQL). With the NQL visual editor, create your queries simply and efficiently. Refer to the Investigations and NQL documentation for more information.

Device View

Device View provides an overview of the device's state and allows you to obtain deeper insights into troubleshooting scenarios on a device level. Quickly identify what is causing device slowness, failures or errors, and fix all issues to enhance the workflow and productivity of an employee. Device View allows you to consult device properties and obtain detailed information about the activities performed on the device over the last 15-day period. Refer to the Device View documentation for more information.

Alerts and Diagnostics

Nexthink alerting and diagnostics solutions are the key enablers in the proactive journey of IT support teams. Use Alerts and Diagnostics to automate IT issue detection and resolve non-reported incidents before an employee is even impacted or considers submitting a support ticket. Refer to the Alerts and Diagnostics documentation for more information.

Nexthink Library

Nexthink Library is an online repository of pre-built dashboards, remote actions and other content that you can easily make use of directly within the Nexthink web interface. The content is built by industry experts to support you in topics ranging from migration projects to support cases and MTTR reduction. Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information.


With the Administration module, customize the Nexthink platform depending on the needs of your organization. This module allows you to manage licenses, user accounts and roles , as well as data privacy and security. Additionally, you can configure Nexthink Collector instances and manage integrations for both inbound and outbound connectors, as well as API credentials to get the most out of the platform. Refer to the Getting started and Administration documentation for more information.


Import and export data to and from the Nexthink web interface using inbound and outbound connectors and customizable integrations to personalize and enhance your business and IT processes.

  • Correlate third-party and experience data to gain powerful new insights.

  • Optimize information technology service management (ITSM) tools with additional data, automation and alerting.

  • Enrich chatbots and self-services, and enable employee self-help.

Refer to the Integrations documentation for more information.


Last updated