Getting started: Landscape status


This dashboard offers a helicopter view of the status of all endpoints in your landscape to rapidly detect abnormal behavior.

In addition, this dashboard was designed as a template to be copied or edited to get more familiar with creating and editing dashboards.

Key features:

  • General overview of endpoint status across chosen time ranges to enhance endpoint diagnostics.

  • Detailed dashboard drilling down into device stability, application health, and boot/logon duration.

  • Monitoring the impact of freezes and crashes on employees.

  • Dynamic filters to drill down into location, device type, and platform.




v1.0.0.0 - Initial Release

Pack Structure

The pack is comprised of a single dashboard of the same name.

  • Getting started - landscape inventory

The pack also contains two custom trends:

  • Device hard resets

  • Device system crashes

Getting started: Landscape status dashboard

This dashboard utilizes tabs to separate content. An Overview tab provides an at-a-glance status of device and application stability, connectivity and performance issues, and device compliance. This is followed by dedicated tabs for device stability, device connectivity and performance, boot and login, application health, and compliance.

Dashboard filters common to each tab allow the selection of specific platforms, device types, binaries, and connection types. Multiple localization filters are provided using context and Geo-IP methods, along with a location type filter to allow the operator to select onsite or remote devices.

Please note: The filters for Country, State, and City are based on and restricted by the level of Geo-IP localization that has been configured.


This tab provides an at-a-glance status of device and application stability, connectivity and performance issues, and device compliance.

For each detail tab within this dashboard, the key measures for each have been combined into one or two KPIs in this Overview tab, allowing the operator to easily visualise key areas of concern, and the relevant dashboard tab to open to investigate further.

Device Stability

The first measures shown in this tab are concerned with physical devices with low disk space.

The next section shows devices with system crashes and hard resets. Breakdowns by device, and operating system are provided along with a line chart for both issues. For both system crashes and hard resets a long term trend graph is provided. These are based on two Custom trends provided with this pack that capture a daily snapshot of system crashes or hard resets respectively, and the devices affected by them. The evolution of these events over time can be observed for up to 13 months.

The final section displays devices with application crashes and freezes. For each issue, key KPIs are shown with a breakdown by device as well as a line chart.

Device connectivity

The connectivity section of this tab is mostly concerned with Wi-Fi connection troubleshooting, as this is where most connection issues arise, at least those identifiable and resolvable at a device level.

Device performance

This tab is concentrated on key device performance measures, namely CPU and memory usage. Devices with high or medium usage are identified and can be investigated further if necessary. A breakdown of the highest usage by device model can be used to identify hardware that may need to be upgraded or replaced.

Boot and Login

Please note: All the widgets within this tab are for Windows devices only.

Long boot and login duration can be a huge source of frustration and wasted productivity - for both employees experiencing it and support teams trying to understand and resolve it. In fact, in most cases, IT teams are unaware of their employees' long boot/login experiences.

This tab measures three elements; “boot duration”, “time until desktop is visible”, and “time until desktop is ready”. These last two were historically referred to as login, and extended login time.

For each element, one KPI shows the average duration for all devices whilst a second KPI shows the number of devices that are outside the threshold for that element. The boot, or login, duration is also broken down by operating system for each element.

Finally, boot counts are broken down by type; full boot and fast startup, and a table shows the distribution of devices by the time since their last boot. Devices that have not booted for over 30 days should be investigated as they could be experiencing stability issues, or missing Windows updates that require a reboot to install correctly.

Application health

This tab can be used to identify the least stable applications in your landscape. Applications experiencing crashes and freezes are shown, together with the number of devices experiencing them. Please note, that crashes and freezes for less than 5 devices in the selected time frame are excluded from these charts.

The network connectivity section shows those applications with the slowest response time or the highest number of failed connections.


The final tab contains vital insight into the compliance of devices in terms of anti-virus and firewall protection.

Anti-virus KPIs show devices with no AV client installed, AV clients out of date or disabled, or devices with multiple AV clients installed.

Please note: With the default dashboard time frame set to seven days, the KPI “Devices with no anti-virus installed” may still show devices where this issue has been investigated, and the issue resolved. A line chart has been provided to show these devices and can be used to track the progress of problem resolution.

Similarly, a KPI and line chart for devices with no firewall installed can be used in the same way.

Last updated