Posting a message in Zoom

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This page demonstrates how to post a message to the video conferencing platform Zoom using Webhooks. In this case, sending a message to a Zoom chat to notify employees about alerts or events.

In Zoom

First, complete the steps listed in the Using Zoom's Incoming Webhook Chatbot documentation from Zoom.

After creating a new connection in Zoom, copy the following required fields to configure the associated credential and webhook in Nexthink.

  • Endpoint URL, for example:

  • Verification Token, for example: PRuwwwHTOS2eWdqYscTYUIO

The URL and verification token examples above are for illustration purposes only.

In Nexthink

From the Nexthink web interface:

Configuring a connector credential for Zoom

From the connector credential configuration page, fill out the fields using the information from the connection you created in Zoom.

  1. Choose the HTTPS option from the Protocol drop-down.

  2. Paste into the URL address field.

  3. Choose the Bearer token option from the Authorization drop-down.

  4. Type in Bearer in the Header prefix field.

  5. Copy the verification token from the Zoom connection and paste it into the Token field.

  6. Save the credential.

Configuring a webhook for Zoom

From the webhook configuration page, fill out the fields using the information from the connection you created in Zoom and the connector credential defined in Nexthink.

  1. Fill in the Name and Description.

  2. Fill in the NQL Condition following the Configuring webhook NQL conditions documentation.

  3. Choose the connector credential you created for Zoom from the Credentials drop-down.

  4. Select the POST from the Method drop-down.

  5. Copy and paste into the Resources field, the URL endpoint from the Zoom connection without the URL address. For example: chat/webhooks/incomingwebhook/dSUcla-dQaGYgqGuBk3BsQ

  6. Add the message you want to send in Payload.

"text":"input message",
  1. Sent test and verify the message appears in Zoom.


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