Execution crashes
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The Execution crashes page lists binaries with the highest frequency of crashes over the last 7 days.
Select Alerts and Diagnostics from the main menu.
Click on Execution crashes under the Diagnostic section of the navigation panel.
You can search and sort the table to focus on specific issues.
The Binaries with crashes table is organized by:
Binary name: Click on the Binary name to access the Execution crashes detail page with troubleshooting options for a given binary.
OS: Operating system, Microsoft Windows or macOS.
Product name: The name of the product that matches what appears in the binary inventory. If the same binary name has multiple entries, Nexthink chooses the most common one.
User interface: This column indicates if the binary has a user interface (UI). Note that certain binaries that run in the background may have configuration UI. If this is the case, a yes will appear for them in this column but only if the binary runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system.
# devices with issues: The absolute number of devices that have crashed within the past 7 days.
Crashes: The total number of crashes within the past 7 days.
Most stable version: The system recommends an upgrade to the most stable binary version. There is only a recommendation if a better version is available and improvement is expected.
Potential crash reduction: The potential reduction in the number of crashes, expressed in percentages. A 20% improvement means that you can expect a 20% reduction in the number of crashes compared to the number of crashes you are currently experiencing.
Nexthink uses cross-customer data to learn about the reliability of different binary versions. Nexthink applies this knowledge to your environment to proactively inform you about version problems and suggest potential recommendations to upgrade to a newer, more reliable version. The system displays this information in the Most stable version and Potential crash reduction columns.
The top banner shows the number of devices with execution crashes along with the Binary affected Product name and whether the binary has a User interface.
Hover over the Devices with issues gauge on the right side of the banner to reveal the action menu, click on it and select Investigate devices. Follow the link to the Investigations page for more information about impacted devices.
Understand the context and scope of application crashes:
Number of crashes: View application crashes over a given time period. Use the timeframe picker in the upper-right corner of the page to change the time period.
Number of devices with crashes: View the number of devices with crashes over a given time period.
Technical: Filter results by technical criteria such as Operating System, Platform, Hardware model, and Virtualization type.
Location: Filter results by geolocation hierarchy. This section is visible only if the Geolocation feature is enabled. You can configure it on the Product configuration page of the Administration module.
Organization: Filter results by entity and organizational hierarchy.
The Devices with execution crashes column chart shows the weekly percentage of devices with a given number of binary crashes across all versions. The system calculates the benchmark based on Nexthink data related to how other organizations are using the binary. This data may not be available if the binary is not commonly used across other companies.
Binary version insight in the Troubleshoot section shows the weekly percentage of devices with crashes for a given binary version across Nexthink customers and all devices using that version.
Insights provide you with information about an upgrade to the most stable binary version. If the system cannot find one, it looks for an older, stable version.
More details table includes additional metrics with breakdowns based on the data from the devices in the customer’s environment.
The table is organized by:
Version: Binary versions your organization uses. Hover over a version to reveal the action menu and click on it. Select binary profiling to further drill down on the issues relevant to this version of the binary.
Devices: The number of devices using a given binary version.
Crashes: The number of times the binary crashed for a given binary version.
Devices with crashes: The number of devices with crashes is shown as an absolute number and as a percentage. The percentage displayed on the teal background shows benchmarking across all companies.
Time between crashes: View the expected crash frequency for all executions. The system calculates this as the total execution time of the binary divided by the number of crashes.
Analyze details of the crash from the event log. Run a pre-built remote action called Get application crash details to see the results of the event log analysis. This option is available only for Microsoft Windows-based binaries.
Follow these steps to execute the Get application crash details remote action on the devices of interest:
Click on the list of impacted devices link in the description of the Crash details section. The link takes you to the Investigations page with the results of the query for all impacted devices.
Select all the devices for which you wish to execute the remote action.
Click on Execute action in the action bar at the bottom of the page. Refer to the Roles page to make sure you have the Execute all remote actions permission enabled for your role.
Search for the Get application crash details remote action, select it, and click Run on … devices.
Enter the name of the binary in the Get application crash details modal and click on the Execute on … devices button.
If you don’t see the Get application crash details remote action on the list, make sure it is configured for Manual triggering in the General tab of the remote action configuration page. Refer to the Manage remote action documentation for more information.
It may take up to a few minutes for the remote action execution to take effect and for the results to be available in the Crash details section of this page.
When the data is available, you can filter Execution crashes by Crash exception code, Faulty application path, Faulty module path and Faulty module name.