
The Timeline tab from Device View presents data and events in a structured manner, encompassing various sections. Inspect data that spans a period of up to 30 days.

  • Alerts and errors: alert events, error events, freeze events.

  • Device performance (5-minute intervals): CPU, memory, system drive space, GPU usage and disk performance.

  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi and Ethernet (5-minute intervals), connections, network applications and connectivity applications (15-minute intervals).

  • Collaboration: Microsoft Teams, Zoom calls and any applications configured under the Collaboration category.

  • Activity: system boots, remote actions, installation and uninstallation of packages and Windows services, configuration changes, Microsoft Teams and Zoom calls (duration of the call).

  • Applications (15-minute intervals): network, desktop and web application usage and events—refer to the Getting started with Applications documentation for more information about application type.

  • User interaction (5-minute intervals): user interaction, login, logout, locks, unlocks, virtual session events such as Citrix RTT and session network latency.

  • Workflow executions (15-minute intervals): workflows and remote actions.

The timeline color conventions facilitate spotting issues. Events in red are a quick indicator of underperforming metrics and problems.

Zooming in and out of the timeline

To zoom in on a specific section of the timeline from the Device View page, choose one of these options:

  • Click on the zoom-in or zoom-out buttons to load up to 48 hours of data into the timeline.

  • Drag your cursor along the timeline to select the desired timeframe. Narrow the data down to a six-hour timeframe.

Click on the home buttons to adjust the timeline to the events of the device's last seen date and time, i.e., the date and time of the last device activity received by the Nexthink instance.

Drilling down to specific events in the timeline

  1. Hover over a specific event to display its information details.

    • Both the popover and the right-side panel visually indicate, with colored icons, the underperforming metrics contributing to the device issue.

  2. Click on a specific event to display the selected information details on the right-side panel within the device icon.

    • The information includes device performance, connectivity, activities, application usage and links to relevant dashboards and Suggested investigations.

In addition, the Actions icon in the right-side panel allows you to take associated actions from the Device View page on the target device, depending on the user role permissions.

The image below illustrates drilling down to a network-type application, showing key connectivity metrics such as Failed connections ratio, Connection establishment time, Incoming traffic and Outgoing traffic.

Refer to the Using Device View for call quality issues documentation to leverage the Timeline tab for troubleshooting collaboration tools.

Obtaining AI-powered insights

When you inspect system crashes, binary crashes, points of high memory consumption or high CPU consumption, Nexthink provides AI-powered insights and potential solutions to the root cause of these issues.

Nexthink AI uses environment data to provide insights but can still make mistakes.


Last updated

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