Data resolution and retention

Event data resolution

To allow for more efficient troubleshooting, metrics in operational data are available with high resolution, either 5-minute or 15-minute, and low resolution, 1-day.

To access high-resolution data, you must use a timeframe expressed in minutes or hours in the during past clause.

devices during past 24h
| include during past 24h 
| compute total_user_interaction = user_interaction_time.sum() 
| where total_user_interaction > 8h
| list, total_user_interaction 

To access data in low-resolution, you must use a timeframe expressed in days in the during past clause.

devices during past 30d
| include during past 30d 
| compute total_user_interaction = user_interaction_time.sum() 
| where total_user_interaction > 10d
| list, total_user_interaction 

Contrary to metrics in operational data, trend data metrics are available only with low resolution, either 1-day or 7-days.

Retention per data category

Data retention refers to the period of time for which the specific set of data is stored and accessible through dashboards and investigations. The following table summarizes the general rules of retention per data category. The retention periods represent the default platform settings. You can customize them on the Data management (GDPR) page.

Data availability in modules

Product modules allow you to access the object and event data described above. The available data value indicates how far back in the past you can retrieve the data for a given module.

* The number of hours displayed on the page depends on your screen resolution.


Last updated