Webhooks F.A.Q

What happens when I create a webhook without creating the credentials first?

The webhook cannot be created because there will be no eligible credentials to select.

Is it possible to test and validate the credentials at the time of creation?

Unfortunately, this functionality is not available at the time the credential is created. The Send test button must be used to test if the credential, request method, and payload are correct.

What happens when I remove a credential that is being used by a Webhook?

If a credential referenced in one or more webhooks is removed, the state of the webhook will remain inconsistent until either an existing credential is assigned to it or removed.

The webhook affected by a missing credential will not process any requests, and it will give a false impression that it is working.

Until a proper mechanism to identify webhooks that are missing a credential is implemented, we recommend removing the webhook and then the credential linked to it.

What happens when an alert is triggered and multiple disabled webhooks satisfy the criteria defined in NQL conditions?

Nothing occurs on disabled webhooks even when a triggered alert matches the filtering criteria. A webhook will not process an alert when it is disabled.

What kind of queries can be added into the NQL conditions field?

Refer to the Examples of NQL conditions documentation to learn more about how to create a valid NQL query for webhooks.

What Nexthink variables are supported in the Payload field?

Nexthink variables can be used within the payload to provide more context for the alert or event that is being triggered. The list of available variables to be used within the payload can be found in Method, resource, and payload

Can we reference the device properties within a webhook when a device_performance event is triggered?

Today this is not possible. The only information for devices - when a device_performance event is triggered - and binaries - when a execution event is triggered - is the information related to the event. Neither device related information nor binary related information can be referenced within the webhook payload.

In future releases, Nexthink will add the ability to reference the entity linked to the event being triggered.

Can I create a Webhook from the AlertHub directly?

Currently, the only way to create a webhook is by accessing the Webhook page under the Integrations category from the main Administration menu. Administrator access is required, and an Integrations license is needed.

Where can I see the status of the calls made by a webhook?

Currently, there is no central place to visualize the status of the executions made by the different webhooks. We recommend using the Send test button if you suspect that the webhook is not behaving as expected.

In the future, a page containing the results of the different webhook executions will be available.

Do I need a specific license to create a webhook?

No specific license is needed to create a webhook. This capability is available from the get-go.

Is there a limit in the number of Webhooks that can be created?

There’s a limit of a maximum of 50 webhooks that can be created. When that limit is reached, you can either contact your sales representative to acquire another bundle of 50 webhooks, or you can modify/remove the ones you have to accommodate the creation of new ones.

Can monitor thresholds and alert values be referenced in the NQL conditions?

Unfortunately, neither monitor thresholds nor alert trigger values can be used to identify alerts.

What happens if a threshold or alert value index is referenced but doesn't exist?

Monitor thresholds (alert.monitors.threshold) and alert triggered values (alert.alerts.trigger_values) are arrays. If an index is referenced but it doesn’t exist, it won’t report an error, but the value will appear as -1 in the message for the alias and the value as follows:

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