Workflow: Device assignment verification


If the ServiceNow Hardware Asset Management database isn’t kept current, it can lead to a range of operational challenges. Inaccurate documentation of a device’s current user can disrupt resource retrieval processes, causing delays and confusion when devices need to be collected for maintenance or upgrades. This discrepancy can also result in applications being installed incorrectly or not at all. Thus, maintaining up-to-date assignee information is crucial for the efficiency of resource retrieval and the security of the overall IT asset management system.


Orchestrate the process of maintaining the ServiceNow Hardware Asset Management database to drastically reduce operational challenges and improve IT asset management efficiency. Achieve this through a fully automated workflow that triggers each time a user logs on, checks the accuracy of the assignee data in ServiceNow, and seeks user confirmation if discrepancies are detected.

A key factor in this process is the real-time verification of the device’s current user. The workflow allows you to detect discrepancies in assignee information, which can then be addressed immediately for more accurate data management.

Key features

  • A comprehensive, automated process to maintain current assignee information.

  • An option to involve users for increased transparency, awareness, and to secure approval.

  • Utilization of an API call to ServiceNow to update the hardware asset assignee.

Get started

Configure and start using your packs by following these links:

Last updated