
A KPI widget shows a single number.

Examples of the KPI widget

Data shape


NQL structure

Aggregation - most commonly used

summarize <kpi> = <sum() | count() | avg() | max() | min()>

NQL examples

Refer to the Live Dashboards NQL examples documentation for more information.

KPI specific form fields

  • Label: enter the text for the KPI metric. The text can contain special characters. There is a 50-character limit on the label.

  • Widget description (Optional): Enter an optional text description to explain, for example, how the metric should be interpreted, how it is calculated, or any subtleties to the metric. The title is required before the description can be entered. After you enter the description and press done, an info icon appears next to the title in the dashboard. When you hover over the icon, the information you have entered appears as an info tip.

  • Display as percentage: the system can display the number as a percentage. The number is multiplied by 100, and the percent symbol is appended.

  • Rating: display the KPI in a way that quickly helps the viewer assess whether the data is indicating an issue. The system compares the value returned by the query against the thresholds you enter. Choose from:

    • 1 threshold: the KPI displays a rating either as Good or Bad.

      1 Threshold example
      1 threshold example
      • Thresholds are evaluated with the >= operator. The system evaluates the above example as follows:

        • Good: if the metric is < 0.2

        • Bad: f the metric is >= 0.2

      • Select Invert to invert the bad and good conditions. When inverted, the system evaluates the above example as follows:

        • Bad: if the metric is < 0.2

        • Good: if the metric is >= 0.2

    • 2 thresholds: the KPI displays a rating in one of three states: Good, Average or Bad.

      2 thresholds example
      2 thresholds example
      • Thresholds are evaluated with the >= operator. The system evaluates the above example as follows:

        • Good: if the metric is < 0.1

        • Average: if the metric is >= 0.1 AND the metric is < 0.4

        • Bad: if the metric is >= 0.4

      • Select Invert to invert the bad and good conditions. When inverted, the system evaluates the above example as follows:

        • Bad: if the metric is < 0.1

        • Average: if the metric is >= 0.1 AND the metric is < 0.4

        • Good: if the metric is >= 0.4

You can enter only numeric values for the thresholds, such as decimals and integers, positive or negative. For typed values, refer to the following table as the unit of the threshold value.

Typed valuesThreshold values


Enter the threshold as a decimal. For example, 0.9 represents a threshold of 90%.


The threshold value is interpreted as the number of seconds.


The threshold value is interpreted as the number of bytes.


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