Usage guide: Hard reset troubleshooting

Trigger a workflow for every hard reset to detect if it was user-generated and survey the user as to why they did so to trigger the appropriate diagnosis, fix, and ticket creation.

Ensure your workflow is properly configured by following the steps highlighted in its configuration guide:

Configuration guide: Hard reset troubleshooting

Workflow Structure

This section contains the key part of this workflow, which collects data about hard reset events using a remote action, runs a campaign that polls the user about what happened, and makes a decision to branch to the right branch based on that data.

Please note: In this workflow, this appears as a single campaign with specific conditions based on campaign answers.

Note that the workflow will trigger once the campaign has been fully completed

This is followed by the first level of user survey analysis, which contains this condition and the following parameters.


In case the user indicates that it was a user-initiated shutdown or restart, the campaign asks for the reason for this.


At this point, the workflow determines whether this hard reset was caused by the user, the device, power issues, or another reason. In case of power issues, the workflow will exit with the corresponding outcome details. In the event of a user-initiated hard reset, further action will be taken. In the case of a device-initiated hard reset, a support ticket will be generated with the latest hard reset-related events from the device event log. In case of another reason, it will check with the user whether this case requires a support ticket and raise it if necessary.


Next comes another condition that evaluates the campaign's results in the event of a user-initiated hard reset. If the user responds that a hard reset occurred as a result of IT operations on the device, the workflow will exit with the corresponding outcome details.


In the event of an incorrect shutdown procedure (campaign option "I was in a hurry"), the workflow will show a campaign on how to shut down the computer in the recommended way. Here is an example of this campaign:


In other cases, the workflow will perform the remediation steps appropriate for each specific case and create a support ticket with the hard reset events and remediation results:

Here is an example of this support ticket:


Inside the ticket, there will be a work note detailing the specific hard reset events collected by the remote action.


Below is an example of steps to resolve a hard reset due to a frozen device. Here the workflow checks the device manufacturer. For Dell or HP devices, it performs a remote action that checks for pending critical driver updates that often cause devices to freeze. If it detects pending updates, it performs another remote action to install those pending updates. This information is then entered into a support ticket. Otherwise, the ticket is amended to indicate that there are no critical driver updates pending.


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