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Connector for Microsoft Teams

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The connector for Microsoft Teams provides IT professionals with a way to view call quality data in the context of MS Teams users and their devices. Nexthink users can detect, investigate and diagnose individual low-quality call issues and problems with multiple devices. The integration of call quality data offers a more detailed and holistic view of the IT infrastructure, allowing IT teams to make informed decisions on how to optimize the digital employee experience (DEX).



To retrieve the call quality data (CQD) you must configure the application using the Azure portal and the Nexthink web interface.

Registering an Azure app

  1. Connect to the Azure portal to register a new application.

  2. Register a new application.

  3. During the registration process, select the Single tenant option.

  4. For the Redirect URI select Web.

    Azure portal

    If the application already exists in the Azure portal, you can reuse it to assign the permissions to read the call records.

  5. Click on the Register button to confirm the app registration.

  6. Access the API Permissions option from the left-side menu.

  7. Add permission for Microsoft Graph.

  8. When asked for the application permissions, select CallRecords.Read.All

    Microsoft Graph
  9. Add the API permission.

If the account you are using doesn’t have proper privileges, it will be highlighted in the Status column on the permissions list.

For more information regarding the process, refer to the Microsoft documentation website.

Configuring the Nexthink web interface

  1. Select Administration from the main menu.

  2. Click Inbound Connectors in the navigation panel under Integrations.

  3. Select Microsoft Teams from the list of inbound connectors.

Accessing MS Teams

To activate the connection between your Nexthink web instance and Microsoft Teams, Nexthink needs the following 3 Azure AD credentials.

  • Azure Tenant ID: Directory (tenant) ID in the Overview section of the Azure portal.

  • Azure Client ID: Application (tenant ID in the Overview section of the Azure portal.

MS Teams enrichment
  • Azure Client Secret: Generate the client secret in the Azure portal using the Certificates and secret option.

    1. Click on New client secret.

    2. Fill in the Description and Expiration values.
      Note: You need to update the client secret both in the Azure portal and for the Nexthink connector after the expiration date.

    3. Click Add and copy the content of the Value column.

Generate new client secret
  • Enter the three values gathered from the Azure portal into the configuration page of the connector for Microsoft teams in the Nexthink web interface.

For more information on how to generate an application key, refer to the Microsoft documentation website.

Known limitations

We are aware of the following limitations:

  • The system cannot retrieve call quality data for macOS devices that are not joined with an on-premise Active Directory. We are currently working to resolve this limitation.

  • Generally, Nexthink retrieves Call Quality Data for calls from a virtual machine as long as Collector is running on it. In some cases, however, the system does not link calls to the virtual machine because the Microsoft Teams connector identifies devices based on the MAC address, which is not always reliable for virtual machines.



How does the system calculate the call quality?

The classification of the audio and video call quality is based on Microsoft’s definition of good versus poor call quality. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Stream Classification in Call Quality Dashboard documentation.

Do I always need to use the connector for Azure Active Directory to obtain the call quality data?

Not necessarily. If all users only authenticate through Azure Active Directory (cloud), the connector for Azure Active Directory is not needed.

You must enable the connector for Azure Active Directory only for Hybrid Azure AD joined devices, for example, when some users authenticate against (on-premises) Active Directory.

What happens if a user receives a call on a device that doesn’t have Nexthink Collector installed?

Nexthink associates the call quality data information with the device as long as Collector is running on it. When the user has a Microsoft Teams call on a Mobile phone, the Nexthink web interface provides information such as the device_type and the type of connection but no device information.

How can I verify that I have properly configured the subscription?

Use the Test Credentials button on the connector page to validate that the Azure Tenant ID, Azure Client ID, and Azure Client Secret values are correct.

How often is the call quality data refreshed? Is it instant?

The current mechanism uses a subscription to receive the data from Graph API. Every time a call ends, the system pushes the call details to the Nexthink web platform. The process is not instant, and new data typically arrive 5 to 10 minutes after the end of the call.

Does Nexthink retrieve Call Quality Data for calls from a virtual machine?

Generally, yes, as long as Collector is running on the virtual machine. In some cases, the system does not link calls to the virtual machine because the Microsoft Teams connector identifies devices based on the MAC address, which is not always reliable for virtual machines.

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