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Installing Collector profile in Jamf for macOS


Jamf is a company developing a mobile device management system for Apple devices used to streamline the process of configuration and the setting up of new devices. Using the Collector profile in Jamf Pro, securely install Collector on a wide variety of macOS devices with remote actions.

Creating the Collector configuration profile in Jamf

  • Click on the Computers icon and select Configuration Profiles.

  • Scroll down to Privacy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC), select it, and click the Configure button.

  • Fill in the Identifier and Code Requirement fields in the App Access section.

Getting the Identifier and Code Requirement values for nxtsvc

To obtain the Identifier, run the following shell command on devices where Nexthink Collector is installed:

sudo codesign -dv /Library/Application\ Support/Nexthink/

This displays a response with the value of the Identifier, com.nexthink.nxtsvcapp for example. Copy that value to the Identifier input in Jamf.

To obtain the Code Requirement run the following shell command on devices where Nexthink Collector is installed:

sudo codesign -dr - /Library/Application\ Support/Nexthink/

Copy the result of the designated output to the Code Requirement field in Jamf.

Getting the Identifier and Code Requirement values for nxtcod (optional)

The nxtcod binary also requires full disk access when remote actions need to access special folders or network shares.

To obtain the Identifier, run the following shell command on devices where Nexthink Collector is installed:

sudo codesign -dv /Library/Application\ Support/Nexthink/

This displays a response with the value of the Identifier, for example, com.nexthink.nxtcod. Copy that value to the Identifier input in Jamf.

To obtain the Code Requirement run the following shell command on devices where Nexthink Collector is installed:

sudo codesign -dr - /Library/Application\ Support/Nexthink/

Copy the result of the designated output to the Code Requirement field in Jamf.

  • Click on Add

  • For APP OR SERVICE select SystemPolicyAllFiles and for ACCESS select Allow.

  • Click on the Scope option to define the scope of the profile.


Mandatory - Required by Apple Endpoint Security framework and Apple’s privacy guidelines.

.mobileconfig file (signed)

.xml file

Optional - Only if remote actions need to access special folders or network shares.

.mobileconfig file

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