
The new experienced web application dashboards are a technical preview. The features and usability may change before General Availability (GA) release. Refer to the Old vs. new experience web applications dashboards documentation page for more information about the benefits, new and upcoming features, and significant changes introduced with the new experience dashboards.

Transactions complement the monitoring of page loads by tracking important changes of states within a web application that do not necessarily require a complete reload of the page.

The evolution of the average transaction duration over time helps you quickly identify the current trend and spot whether it is reversing or stabilizing.

Transactions metrics

Transaction duration corresponds to the difference between the time when the transaction end and the transaction start is detected. Only complete transactions are taken into account when computing durations in the dashboard.

The number of employees represents the number of employees who made at least one transaction, complete or incomplete, for a given time period.

Dashboard widgets

The Transactions dashboard contains the following widgets grouped into the sections:


The Performance section presents an overview of the application in terms of transaction experience and duration.


The first gauge in the Transactions section presents a breakdown for good, average and frustrating transactions. Set up thresholds for each application individually; otherwise, default settings are used. By default, a transaction lasting 16 or more seconds is considered frustrating, 4-16 seconds is average, and below 4 seconds is good.

The second gauge chart presents a breakdown for complete and incomplete transactions.

Transactions & employees

Identify the changes in transaction performance over time.

  • Transaction duration corresponds to the difference between the detected transaction start and end times. Only complete transactions are taken into account when computing durations in the dashboard.

  • Transactions presents the number of complete and incomplete transactions during each time bucket for a given time period.

  • Employees shows the number of employees who made at least one transaction, complete or incomplete, for a given time period.

Top breakdowns


Identify transactions that cause the most frustration.

Incomplete transactions by status

See the statuses of incomplete transactions sorted by the number of incomplete transactions.

Click on a specific status to filter the dashboard, and see the number of failed transactions over time, employees affected and names of the transactions receiving this status.

The following status codes help you understand why and when a transaction failed:

  • time_out - The end trigger was not received within 10 minutes.

  • aborted_unload - The browser navigated to a new web application on the same tab, or the tab was closed before the transaction was completed.

  • aborted_new - The transaction was aborted by the same, or another transaction.

  • aborted_input - The detection was aborted by a user interaction.

Other breakdowns

Filter transaction duration by browser, operating system, location, or other options. Refer to Configuring geolocation documentation for more information about the geolocation feature.

Last updated