Monitoring web applications - old experience

Gain visibility into employee experience for business-critical web applications. Monitor, troubleshoot, and remediate issues using the Adoption, Speed, Reliability and Troubleshoot pages of the Applications module.

The web application dashboards have been upgraded to ensure better consistency and compatibility with the existing and upcoming features. Currently, the new experience dashboards are a technical preview enabled for all customers. For detailed guides and troubleshooting tips, visit Monitoring web applications - new experience.

Switching between old and new experience dashboards

Use the button located in the top-right corner of the page to switch to the new experience, enabling web application dashboards with the latest features. The system saves your selection on the specific browser.

If you wish to switch back to the old experience dashboards, simply click again on the button in the top-right corner.

Note that users with limited View domain permission will be automatically transitioned to the new experience when accessing web application dashboards.

Last updated