2024 Learn Release Announcements


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to use NQL "Understand the aggregation types" lesson updated with the time_elapsed() function.

  • What is the NQL data model? "Table types" lesson has been updated to include the new "platform" namespace, "impacts" table within the "alerts" namespace and "network_applications" table within the "applications" namespace.

    "Events and configuration object tables" lesson has been updated to include the new "platform" namespace. Additionally, the "alerts" and "applications" namespaces have been restructured, and new tables have been added.

  • How to leverage Nexthink exporting capabilities "Configure a Webhook" lesson updated with placeholders for payloads and resources. Plus, minor changes made to the UI for webhook configuration.

  • How to reduce ticket overload with Amplify "Analyze properties and checklists" lesson updated with the packages tab.

  • How to create and use Alerts "Configure built-in monitors" lesson updated with new system monitors and new types of monitor detection modes.

    "Understand the triggering and recovery process of alerts" lesson updated with new types of monitor detection modes and improved lesson structure.

    "Get the most out of the Alerts overview dashboard" lesson updated with Cloud insights.

  • How to manage IT problems effectively "Problem detection", "Problem prioritization and analysis" and "Problem resolution" lessons updated with the latest features and UI of the Alerts & Diagnostics module including Diagnostics for alerted issues dashboard and Cloud insights.

  • How to create and manage workflows "Design a workflow version" lesson updated with End block outcomes.

    "Trigger a workflow" lesson updated with a new option to target users with manual and scheduled trigger methods.

    "Monitor workflows" lesson updated with Outcomes summary widget.

    "Frequently asked questions," lesson updated with a new option to configure Remote action Thinklets to target devices other than the workflow.

  • How to troubleshoot network-related issues "Exploring application connection using Network view" lesson updated with the new "Attempted connections" and "Failed connection ratio" metrics available in Network view.

  • How to manage data, privacy and security "Privacy policy pillars" lesson updated with a new privacy policy pillar - multi-factor authentication (MFA).


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • What is the Applications module? "What is the Applications module" lesson updated with a network applications. "Monitor your applications" lesson added.

  • How to configure the Applications module The "Configure new application" lesson updated with the configuration of the network applications.

  • How to manage data, privacy and security "Data Management (GTPR)" lesson updated with a new deletion feature.

  • How to troubleshoot network-related issues "What issues can you solve with Network view and connection data?" lesson updated with Network applications. "Exploring application connections using Network view" lesson updated with:

    • displaying ports,

    • connection protocol selection,

    • "Attempted connections" and "Failed connections ratio" metrics complementing the "Failed connections" metric.

  • How to create and use Alerts "Get the most out of the Alerts overview dashboard" lesson updated with the alert preview panel. "Diagnose and investigate alerts" lesson updated with improved action menu labels.

  • How to best use Device View Course updated with the appearance of the Network tab and network applications.


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to manage users and profiles "Define general settings for the profile" lesson updated with new option to use custom classifications in configuring view domain.

  • How to create and use Alerts "Diagnose and investigate alerts" lesson updated with diagnostic dashboard now available for custom monitors.

  • How to create and manage Campaigns ”Define your audience, campaign goals and branding" lesson updated with new options in branding to choose how the tray displays the view of an extensive campaign.

  • How to create and manage workflows "Trigger a workflow" lesson updated with a new option to trigger an event workflow.

  • How to leverage Nexthink exporting capabilities "Configure a new credential" lesson updated with protocol selection and "OAuth 2.0 - Authorization code" authorization type. "Configure a webhook" lesson updated with webhook type selection removed. "Create a new exporter" lesson updated with improved UI and removed option for multiple queries. "Manage your exporters" lesson updated with improved UI and Last execution status and details.

  • How to deploy and configure Amplify "Configure profiles and permissions " lesson updated with anonymous users data privacy option. The entire course was updated to reflect recent user interface improvement on Amplify Extensions option page.


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to deploy and configure Amplify - "Configure the Nexthink Instance URL" lesson updated with the Multi-instance mode.

    "Add ITSM page details in a central configuration" lesson updated with String selector.

  • How to configure the Applications module -

    The "Configure transactions with Nexthink extension" lesson updated with a new configuration and test option for transactions.

    The "Add key pages to the Applications module" lesson updated with ordering key pages in the Applications configuration.

  • What is the Digital Experience Score - course updated after the introduction of the Sentiment Score.

  • How to create & manage Live Dashboards - "Create a dashboard" lesson updated with setting a default dashboard granularity.

    "Explore Dashboard" lesson updated with new timeframes, time granularity and more drill-down capabilities.

  • What is the DEX score computation? - Video updated after the introduction of Sentiment score.

  • How to manage users and profiles - "Select permissions" lesson updated with new options to add specific items to the features and set permissions to them.

  • How to use NQL - "Condense data into a single value" lesson added containing previously introduced "summarize" clause and extended with conditional aggregates.

  • How to write smart NQL queries - "Include leaner tables with relevant data" lesson updated with new use case including trend data and revised queries according to recent NQL updates.

    "Effectively count number of devices" lesson updated with revised queries according to recent NQL updates.

  • What is the NQL data model - "Table types" lesson updated with the new service namespace and object association table type available within the package and service namespaces.

    "Data categories" lesson added.

  • How to use Custom Fields, Ratings and Checklists - "Creating checklists " lesson updated with creating checklist grouping.

Last updated