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Managing Investigations

The Investigations administration page allows you to create, share and manage all of your investigations in one place.

Accessing the Manage investigations page

  1. Select Investigations from the main menu.

  2. Click on Manage investigations in the navigation panel.

Investigations in the navigation panel display shared and private investigations sorted by tags.

Creating a new investigation

To create a new investigation, click on the New investigation button in the top-right corner of the page. The system takes you to the Visual editor tab of the Investigations page where you can construct your NQL query. Switch to the NQL editor tab to write the query by hand.

Investigations table

The title of the investigations table displays the number of investigations available to you.

From the Manage investigations page:

  1. Click on the name of the investigation to edit it or view the results of the NQL query.

  2. Filter the table by typing the name of the investigation or by typing/selecting investigation tags.

  3. Click on the Import button in the top-right corner of the page and select the investigation's JSON file to import.

  4. Hover over an investigation to reveal the action menu on the right side of the table.


Hovering over the action menu on the right side of the table allows you to:

  • View: See the results of the NQL query on the Investigations page.

  • Rename: Change the name of the investigation.

  • Edit tags: Create, assign and edit investigation tags. Refer to the Tagging investigations section.

  • Share: Grant permissions to other users to view or edit the investigation. Refer to the Sharing an investigation section.

  • Export: Export the investigation to a JSON file. Refer to the Exporting an investigation section.

  • Duplicate: Create a copy of the investigation.

  • Delete: Remove the investigation from the system.

Tagging investigations

Tagging allows you to quickly sort and filter investigations. You can apply one or many tags to investigations.

From the Manage investigations page:

  1. Hover over an investigation to reveal the action menu on the right side of the table.

  2. Click the Edit tags option from the investigation action menu to open the Tags pop-up.

  3. Type a new tag or write an existing one to add it to the investigation.

  4. Open the tag’s action menu to remove the tag from the investigation or change the tag color.

Deleting a tag only removes it from the chosen investigation.

Sharing an investigation

Share your investigations with other Nexthink web interface users.

From the Manage investigations page:

  1. Hover over an investigation to reveal the action menu on the right side of the table.

  2. Click the Share option from the investigation action menu to open the Share pop-up.

The Share option is available if your user profile has the Manage all investigations or Share private investigations option selected for the Investigations module. Refer to the Permissions section for more information.

  1. In the Add profile text field, type in the user profiles you wish to share the investigation with.

  2. From the Select permissions drop-down menu, select the appropriate permissions for the profile. The choices are:

    • View: Gives a user read-only access to the investigation and the right to save a copy of it.

    • Edit: Allows a user to modify and save the investigation to collaborate on it with others.

  3. Click on Clear all to disable all permissions.

  4. Click on the Grant permissions button to share the investigation.

To remove existing permissions:

  • Hover over the Permissions column for a given permission entry and click on the action menu.

  • Select Remove all permissions.

All shared investigations appear in the Shared tab of the navigation panel. The Investigations that you have editing rights to, also appear on the Manage investigations page.

Exporting an investigation

Export and download your investigations as a JSON file.

From the Manage investigations page:

  1. Hover over an investigation to reveal the action menu on the right side of the table.

  2. Click the Export option from the investigation action menu to download the investigation's JSON file.

Alternatively, you can also export an investigation from the Investigations' specific page:

  • Click the Export results option to download the investigation's results as a CSV file. Nexthink asks you to name this file before downloading it.

  • Click the Export investigations option from the investigation action menu to download the investigation's JSON file.



To enable proper permissions for Investigations:

  1. Select Administration > Profiles from the main menu.

  2. Click on the New Profile button to create a new profile or edit an existing profile by hovering over it and clicking on the edit icon to change the profile configuration.

  3. In the Permissions section, scroll down to the Investigations section to enable appropriate permissions for the profile.

Refer to the Profiles documentation for a detailed description of the permission options.

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