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Getting started with Diagnostics

Diagnostics are an effective set of tools and dashboards for assessing and troubleshooting various IT issues. Diagnostics are integrated throughout the product.

Accessing Diagnostics

  • Select Alerts and Diagnostics from the main menu.

  • Click on a dashboard in the Diagnostics section of the navigation panel.

Accessing Diagnostics

Diagnostic dashboards

The Diagnostics dashboards contain a similar design pattern.

Execution crashes details page

Top banner

The banner at the top of the page shows the summary and impact of the issue. It includes a gauge with an action menu that links to the Investigations page with more drill-down options.

Assess issue

Understand the context and scope of the issue with a timeline of events and filtering capabilities by technical properties, location and organization entities.



Diagnostics uses anonymized cross-customer statistics from Nexthink cloud customers to help scope and troubleshoot issues. If the system does not show benchmark statistics for a given binary name, device model or version, it means that the system does not have enough statistical data to calculate it. Customers are opted-in by default to share telemetry so they can benefit from the benchmarking insights. Contact your Nexthink representative if you wish to opt out of this feature.


View automated AI-powered insights that offer analysis to help find the root cause of the issue impacting devices. The algorithm uses Bayesian inference that learns from the data of all devices to quantify the likelihood that a given attribute is relevant to the issue. The insight’s relevancy is based on the confidence level that is calculated using the following parameters:

How many devices are impacted by the analyzed property value:

  • How many devices are impacted compared to the number of impacted devices in the overall population (bad version + other versions).

  • The gravity of the issue for the given property value.

  • The gravity of the issue for the given property value compared to the gravity of the issue in the overall population.

The factors listed above affect the relevancy of a version but not a hard threshold.

Find more information about individual pages:

Embedded Diagnostics side panel in the Applications module

The system automatically enables diagnostics for the Applications module. Find them in the side panel on the Page loads and Reliability pages.

For more information, refer to the Diagnostics section of the Monitoring capabilities documentation.

Embedded Diagnostics for troubleshooting in Application Experience


To enable proper permissions for Diagnostics:

  • Select Administration from the main menu.

  • Click on Profile from the navigation panel.

  • Click on the New Profile button to create a new profile or edit an existing profile by hovering over it and clicking on the edit icon to change the profile configuration.

  • In the Permissions section, scroll down to the Diagnostics section to enable appropriate permissions for the profile.

Refer to the Profiles documentation for a detailed description of the permission options.


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