Managing data exporters

Connector credentials

Before Nexthink can export data to any third-party supported tools, you must create and define new credentials to connect and enable such communication and then apply the credentials when configuring a data exporter. Refer to the Connector credentials documentation for more information.

Nexthink uses a mechanism that regulates the delivery of messages sent to third-party tools in order to prevent them from getting overloaded with data. This means that the delivery of information is not immediate and some delays may occur.

Accessing data exporters

From the main menu in the Nexthink web interface:

  • Click on Administration > Outbound connectors > Data Exporter to open the administration page.

All data exporters are listed on the Data exporters administration page. The fields shown are:

  • Active toggle to enable/disable data exporters.

  • Name of the data exporter.

  • Type of data exporter.

  • Scheduling Frequency matching the NQL time period: Hourly, Daily = 1d, Weekly = 7d.

  • Last updated date for the data exporter.

  • Last execution indicating success or failure of the data exporter execution. See the section Troubleshooting a data exporter on this page.

Creating a data exporter

From the Data exporters administration page:

  1. Click the New Exporter button in the top right corner of the page to open the data exporter configuration page.

  1. Select a data exporter Type from the popup. Refer to the links below depending on the data exporter:

Editing/deleting data exporter

Hover over the data exporter listed on the Data exporters administration page to reveal icons on the right side of the selected item:

  • Click on the pencil icon to open the configuration page for the data exporter.

  • Click on the bin icon to delete the data exporter.

Deleting a data exporter cannot be undone.

Troubleshooting a data exporter

Check the last execution statuses of your data exporters from the Last execution column on the Data exporters administration page.

When an execution fails, the system displays a red icon next to the date of the last execution attempt. Hover over the failed status to reveal a pop-up containing detailed error information.


Connector credentials

Last updated