Microsoft Outlook connector Thinklet

This page outlines actions to select when configuring Thinklets with Microsoft Outlook.

Refer to the Permissions section in the Microsoft documentation to view the required authorizations.

Action: Send an email to one recipient

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Send an email to one recipient is designed to send an email to a single recipient from an email address that is part of your organization's Microsoft Graph tenant. The recipient's email address can belong to anyone inside or outside your organization.

The Thinklet relies on the user: sendMail API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters

    • Email subject: The subject of the email in plain text.

    • Email content type: The content type of the email. This should be set to text or html depending on the email text type.

    • Email text: The email text must be in HTML format or plain text, depending on the email content type setting.

    • Email sender address: The email address from which the email will be sent. It must be in your organization’s Microsoft Graph API scope.

    • Email recipient address: Any valid email address.

  • Outputs: View the outputs of the Connector Thinklet.

Action: Send an email to two recipients

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Send an email to two recipients is designed to send an email to two recipients from an email address that is part of your organization's Microsoft Graph tenant. The recipient email addresses can belong to anyone inside or outside your organization.

The Thinklet relies on the user: sendMail API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters: Configure the data used as parameters for this action. Hover over the tooltip icon for more information on how the parameter is mapped and what data is required.

    • Email subject: The subject of the email in plain text.

    • Email content type: The content type of the email. This should be set to text or html depending on the email text type.

    • Email text: The email text must be in HTML format or plain text, depending on the email content type setting.

    • Email sender address: The email address from which the email will be sent. It must be in your organization’s Microsoft Graph API scope.

    • First email recipient address: Any valid email address.

    • Second email recipient address: Any valid email address.

  • Outputs: View the outputs of the Connector Thinklet.

Refer to the Configuring Connector Thinklet documentation for more information about connectors Thinklets.

Last updated