
Search is a valuable tool for beginners and experienced Nexthink users as it helps save time by directly bringing useful information to your fingertips. When searching for a particular piece of information, you simply type whatever information you are looking for into the search field.

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How to get started with Search?

To access Search, select Search from the main menu.

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The Search window will appear, allowing you to type your text in the Search bar. Review search results and select the ones you would like to explore further.

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The results of a search are all items and investigations associated with the words you typed in.

What can you find with Search?

You can conduct searches across various parameters, empowering you to efficiently track down specific information. To search for users, binaries, devices, packages or applications, simply type the first letters of the name.

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To receive ports results you need to enter a port number.

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For destination results, you need to type a domain (destination) you are interested in, e.g.

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Any search results that include binaries, devices, packages, destinations and users let you easily navigate to relevant investigations and dashboards thanks to the action menu.

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The user interface separates the results into several sections and only displays the content you have access to, based on the role assigned to your account by your Nexthink administrators.


To enable permissions for Search:

  • Select Administration from the main menu.

  • Click on Roles from the navigation panel.

  • Click on the New Role button to create a new role or edit an existing one by hovering over an existing role and clicking on the edit icon to change the role configuration.

  • In the Permissions section, scroll down to the Investigations section to enable Create private investigations; use global search permission for the role.

Refer to the Roles documentation for a detailed description of the permission options.

Last updated