Conducting engaging campaigns

Nexthink Campaigns are powerful tools that allow you to understand employee opinions about a particular subject. One of their strengths is that you can address questions to all employees with a single action.

When creating campaigns, follow guidelines to ensure effective communication. The Nexthink Campaigns module is designed to capture employee attention and maximize engagement, offering a streamlined solution for delivering the right information to the right people at the right time. By analyzing results and comparing objective data with subjective feedback, you can achieve a comprehensive understanding of your IT environment.

Plan your campaign

To plan a successful campaign, consider the following points:

  • Your goals:

    • State what you want to achieve with the help of all stakeholders.

    • Define the actions to take once the campaign ends.

  • Target audience:

    • Clearly define the group of users targeted by the campaign.

    • Adapt the language of the questions in the campaign to the target audience.

  • Campaign duration:

    • Choose the type of campaign according to your previously defined goals:

      • One-off campaign

      • Recurring campaign to selected employees

      • Recurring campaigns to a sample of employees

    • Control the timeframe for collecting answers in order to take action based on feedback.

  • Campaign urgency:

    • Urgent campaigns are immediately delivered.

    • Non-urgent campaigns respect a Do Not Disturb period, and Do Not Interrupt employee focus.

Determine campaign goals

There are three main goals Nexthink users can achieve with Nexthink Campaigns.


Notify employees of available options to resolve an issue.


Inform employees about the completion of system maintenance.


Conduct surveys to assess employee satisfaction with IT services.

Tailor content to the campaign goals

Follow these best practices to create your campaigns:

Help and Tell Campaigns

Follow these best practices to create campaign notifications:

  • Title and button clarity:

    • Use a clear and concise title that immediately communicates the purpose of the campaign.

    • Ensure buttons represent actionable steps for users to take, such as Get help or Restart device.

  • Use hyperlinks: Provide a Read more hyperlink for users to access further details.

  • Keep it simple: Use plain language, avoid jargon or culturally specific terms, and prioritize concise messaging to prevent information overload.

  • Less is more: Use text styles to create a visual hierarchy, directing attention to the most critical elements. Minimize line-breaks, ensure one line conveys one thought and optimize line-break positions for readability.

  • Focus on action: Avoid unnecessary details or observations. Instead, highlight the solution or support available to users.

  • Clear call to action: Provide clear instructions on desired actions, making it easy for employees to understand and act upon your message.

  • Engage respondents: Create a trusting relationship through greetings and personalizing notifications. Engage by providing reasons why you are asking about a particular matter and next steps to be taken based on the answers.

Ask Campaigns

  • Avoid bias: Eliminate bias in questions to gather accurate data. Use neutral questions, avoid emotionally charged language and refrain from making assumptions.

  • Avoid judgment: Maintain neutrality to encourage honest responses. Focus on the end goal rather than past behaviors and refrain from using value judgments in terminology.

  • Create good questions: Formulate concrete and clear questions with specific response options.

  • Order questions from general to specific:

    • Begin the campaign with broader, general questions before delving into more specific topics.

    • Gradually guide respondents through the campaign to maintain their engagement and focus.

  • Limit question quantity and options:

    • Keep the survey concise with 3-5 questions.

    • Restrict the number of choice options to a maximum of 10.

    • Avoid asking for information that you can’t measure.

  • Use scales: Use meaningful and consistent rating scales with a neutral midpoint to accurately measure perceptions. Limit the number of options and ensure categories are equally spaced and non-overlapping. Try to limit responses to no more than 7 options, 5 is preferable for granularity and specificity.

  • Reference scales: Use recommended rating scales for various measures to maintain consistency and accuracy in data collection.

Build answers for campaign questions

The recommended rating scales for campaign questions are not the only viable options, and adaptation to your particular organization may be necessary. However, these scales are tried and tested and can serve as a source of inspiration.

Common rating scales

Usability scales

Test campaign before launch

Testing a campaign before its official launch is important for identifying potential issues and ensuring its effectiveness.

  • Test with a representative audience: Campaign participants who represent your target audience to ensure the survey resonates with them.

  • Include diverse perspectives: Invite participants with varying viewpoints to test the campaign. This helps identify unclear language or jargon.

  • Understand participant responses: Ask testers how they would respond to each question and why.

  • Analyze and refine: Review responses to identify areas of improvement and refine your approach for future campaigns.


Getting started with Campaigns

Managing Campaigns

Creating Campaigns

Last updated