Configuring network applications

Once you select the Network application type, a Network configuration section appears with an option to add up to 8 network rules per application.

A network rule may consist of an IP address, domain name, or port. Each rule specifies which connection events are associated with the network application. This data is then displayed in the Overview dashboard and the Network view of the network application.

For more information regarding connection events, refer to the Application Connectivity troubleshooting documentation.

Select Add a rule to open a pop-up with options to specify the following:

  • IP address

  • Domain name

  • Port


Each IP address, domain name and network mask should be distinct for a single application. For instance, you cannot configure two network applications with the same IP address.

Adding an IP address

Enter the IP address that you wish to associate with the network application. Use the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address.

Optionally, add a port or a network mask (also called a subnet mask) to define a range of IP addresses in a network.

  • If you specify a port (e.g.,, the network application exclusively monitors this specific IP address with this specific port.

  • If you define a network mask, all corresponding IP addresses within that specified range are monitored. For example, monitors all IP addresses between and


Adding a domain name

Configure a network application using a domain name, such as or

Optionally, you can add a port. If you specify a port (e.g., *, the network application exclusively monitors this specific domain name with that specific port.

Employ an asterisk (*) wildcard, followed by a period at the beginning of a domain-based rule (e.g. * to include subdomains. The * wildcard represents zero or more characters, therefore, the rule * matches:





Adding a port

Configure a port using numbers between 0 and 65535.


How are the configuration rules of different applications verified against each other?

If you try to configure an application with an IP address that you already configured for another application, the system will generate an error message. However, there may be a situation where you configure an application using a domain name and another application using an IP address that corresponds to the same domain name. Due to the nature of connection events, the system cannot validate such a conflict upon configuration. To avoid associating the same connection events with more than one application, Nexthink prioritizes the information to ensure each connection event is associated with only one network application. In the case described above, the system tags relevant connection events with a network application that was configured using an IP address. As a result:

  • The application with the IP address configured, monitors all connection data using this IP address.

  • The application with the domain name configured, monitors the connection data using this domain name, but excludes connections with the IP address used to configure the other application.

As a general rule, the system tags connection events with the most specific configuration available. The following table illustrates the priority of different configuration rules. For example, a rule with an 'IP address + port' will take precedence over a rule with only a domain name.

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