2023 Learn Release Announcements


Updated learning path

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to configure the Applications module - The "Work with CSS selectors" lesson updated with the new exporting options and manual elements detection available with the Nexthink browser extension.

  • How to best use Device View - "Understand the structure of Device View" lesson updated with the additional menu option. "How to best use Timeline" lesson updated with zoom functionality, Connections details in a Connectivity section and 5-minute buckets of activity for some of the device performance parameters.

  • How to improve employee collaboration experience - "Analyze call quality issues for all affected users" lesson updated with new Collaboration Tools module containing the Call Quality dashboard. "Confirm the problem for the individual user " lesson updated with the "MS Teams Calls" metric with access to useful dashboards and investigations.

  • How to manage Nexthink content - "What is Nexthink content?" lesson updated with Workflows and Software metering content types, several new content types available from Nexthink Library and the System content origin.

  • How to create and manage workflows - "Access and create a workflow" lesson updated with library workflows.

  • How to create & manage Live Dashboards - "Access Live Dashboards area" lesson updated with tags. "Create a dashboard" lesson updated with the latest Nexthink Library UI and setting a default dashboard time frame.

    "Add widgets to your Dashboard" lesson updated with widget description capability for several widget types and setting colors or ratings for a Single-metric gauge chart.

    "Administer your Dashboards" lesson updated with editing default time frame and tagging dashboards.

  • How to do investigations with Visual editor - "Access Investigations" lesson updated with tags. "Manage all investigations" lesson updated with filtering by tags, editing tags, exporting and importing investigations.


Improved user interface

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to configure the Applications module - "Work with CSS selectors" lesson updated with the new mode for tracking separate transactions in applications.

  • How to reduce ticket overload with Amplify - "Perform a remote action " lesson updated with executing remote actions from the property custom documentation. "Analyze properties and checklists" lesson updated with properties custom documentation and remote actions.

  • How to create and manage Campaigns - "Manage your campaigns" lesson updated with the new "Republish" option available for retired campaigns.

  • How to manage data, privacy and security - "Privacy policy pillars" lesson added. "Global Privacy Hub" lesson updated with new certifications.

  • How to set up and manage inbound connectors - New connect Citrix DAAS added to various lessons in the course.

  • How to leverage Nexthink exporting capabilities - "What are outbound connectors and their benefits?" lesson updated with newly available HTTP API data exporter

  • What is the NQL data model? - "Table types" lesson updated with the new connection, software_metering and workflow namespaces, and the new table within the dex namespace. "Events and configuration object tables" lesson updated with the new connection, software_metering and workflow namespaces, and the new table within the dex namespace.

  • How to use Custom Fields, Ratings and Checklists - Course structure updated for improved clarity and ease of use. The naming convention for custom fields previously referred to as "NQL query-based" updated to "Computed. "Creating custom fields" lesson updated with rule-based custom fields configuration. "Using custom fields" lesson updated with rule-based custom fields usage.


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to analyze application issues - "Analyzing slow page loading times" lesson updated with the new Troubleshoot dashboard.

  • How to configure the Applications module - "Understand the key elements of the Applications module" and "Identify key pages and extract required key page URL" lessons updated with the new Troubleshoot tab.

  • How to best use Diagnostics - "Diagnostics for desktop application crashes" section updated with the new "Binary recommendations" feature.

    "What is Diagnostics?" lesson updated with the new list of dashboards.

  • How to manage users and profiles - "Define general settings for the profile" lesson updated with a new option for profiles that allows selecting the type of access to devices' data.

  • How to best use Device View - "How to best use Timeline" lesson updated with new troubleshooting dashboards.


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • How to create and use Alerts - This entire course structure and content have changed due to the introduction of Library monitors and related features, as well as significant alterations to the Alerts Overview dashboard. We highly recommend starting the course from the beginning to understand these changes and to get the most out of the exciting new features available.

  • How to manage IT problems effectively - Lesson "Problem detection" updated to show how to send alerts via webhooks. Lesson "Problem prioritization and analysis" updated to show how to use the Binary profiling dashboard.

  • How to configure Nexthink Infinity - "Configure Collector updates" lesson updated with maintenance release updates configuration and the option to exclude specific devices from the update. "View your Nexthink License" section added.


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

  • Why experience matters - Lesson "Digital employee experience gap" added to the course.

  • How to deploy and configure Amplify - "Add ITSM page details in a central configuration" lesson updated with setting priority order of field selectors.

  • How to reduce ticket overload with Amplify - "Access Amplify" lesson updated with accessing Amplify with keyboard shortcut and configuring the plugin appearance.

  • How to create and manage Campaigns - "Start creating a new campaign" lesson updated with a section about using Nexthink Library during building a new campaign.

  • What is the NQL data model? - "Table types" lesson updated with the new tables within the device namespace. "Fields and data types" lesson updated with event-specific fields. "Inventory object tables" lesson updated with the new tables within the device namespace. "Dynamic data model" lesson added.

  • How to configure Nexthink Infinity - "Configure Collector updates" lesson updated with maintenance release updates configuration and the option to exclude specific devices from the update.

  • How to best use Device View - "Understand the structure of device view" lesson updated with new benchmarking feature

    "How to best use Timeline" lesson updated with new timeline features and extended history on a timeline


New content

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:


New content


New content


New content


New content

Updated learning path

Understand how to set up and monitor desktop applications in the Applications module with the updated courses under the Application Experience Management learning path.

Pass an assessment and become a Certified Nexthink Professional in Application Experience Management.

Updated courses

Learn about the latest product features. See the “Update History” at the end of each course for the latest changes:

Last updated