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Sending data to a Slack channel

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This document demonstrates how to send data to a Slack channel, using Nexthink webhook capability, to stand out from other messages in the channel.

In Slack

  • Create a new slack app in the workspace where you want to post messages.

  • From the Features page, toggle Activate Incoming Webhooks on.

Activating incoming webhooks in Slack
  • Click Add New Webhook to Workspace.

Adding new webhook to workspace
  • Pick a channel that the app will post to, then click Authorize.

Webhook URL

An example of the URL would be:

In Nexthink

Configure the Webhook Credential

  • Click on Connectors and select the Webhook Credentials entry:

    • Fill in the page fields with the following values:
      Instance Name: <name of your credential>
      Instance URL:
      Authorization*: BASIC
      Username*: test
      Password*: test

*These fields are not necessary when configuring Incoming Webhooks. For the time being, insert the values as shown above. A “No Auth” option will be provided soon.

Create the Webhook

Message alert from Nexthink

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