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Single-metric gauge chart


Create a single-metric gauge chart to display a ratio of a single metric in relation to the total.

single-metric gauge chart

Data Shape 

<metric value>, <total>

NQL examples

Refer to the Live Dashboards NQL examples documentation for more information.

Single-metric gauge chart specific fields

Impact: Choose the color of the impact parameter. The options are:

  • Bad (red)

  • Average (yellow)

  • Good (green)

Rating: dynamically changes the color of the gauge, if the metric exceeds the provided thresholds.  This enables the viewer to more quickly assess whether there is an issue.  Choose from:

  • 1 threshold:  the single-metric gauge chart is either green or red, depending on whether the metric exceeds the given threshold.

One threshold rating
  • 2 thresholds: the single-metric gauge chart is either green, yellow or red, depending on whether the metric exceeds the given thresholds.

Two threshold rating


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