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Bar chart


Bar charts facilitate the viewing of data broken down by segmentation.

Bar chart example

The NQL query requires a segmentation label and an aggregation.

Data shape

<segmentation 1>, (<segmentation 2>, <segmentation 3>,...), <kpi 1>, (<kpi 2>, <kpi 3>, ...)

NQL structure

summarize <kpi1>, <kpi2>, ... by <segmentation1>, <segmentation2>, ...

Column Names

The variable names in the NQL query are used as labels for the columns.

Column names

The variable names are formatted with the following heuristic:

  • Underscores are replaced with spaces.

  • The first character of the variable is changed to upper-case.

NQL examples

Refer to the Live Dashboards NQL examples documentation for more information.

Bar chart specific settings

  • Widget description (Optional): Enter an optional text description to explain, for example, how the metric should be interpreted, how it is calculated, or any subtleties to the metric. The Title is required before the description can be entered. After you enter the description and press done, an info icon appears next to the title in the dashboard. When you hover over the icon, the information you have entered appears as an info tip.

  • Maximum number of rows to be displayed: Limit the number of rows the system displays in the container. A Load more button appears if the results exceed the limit.


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