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Roles (classic)

Roles are only used to grant access to Custom dashboard and Finder content such as modules, V6 alerts, V6 remote actions and others.

The roles attributed to users determine their responsibilities and the different tasks and goals they can achieve. Roles let you group the content items that enable users to execute their assigned tasks. When assigning roles, specify the modules that a user or group of users can see in the Nexthink web interface, the investigations that they are able to run in Finder, and the alerts they must be aware of.

To incorporate content items into a role, create them in Finder or the Nexthink web interface. It is not essential to have all the content items ready before defining a role. Start by creating the role with a few items and later add the missing ones.

To define a new role:

  1. Log in as an administrator using the web interface.

  2. Select the Administration module from the main menu.

  3. Under the Account management section, select Roles to open the dashboard.

  4. Click the plus sign in the top right of the dashboard to open the wizard to add a new role.

Accessing roles

Step 1: Adding modules

  1. Type in the name of the new role in the Name field.

    1. The ‘Administrator’ role is a specialized designation generated by the Nexthink platform, reserved for internal use and not visible to Nexthink users.

    2. When you create new roles, please choose a name other than 'Administrator.'

  2. Optional: click Add module to add an existing module to the role. A dialog box to choose the module appears.

    1. Select a module from the Module drop-down list.

    2. Click Add. The dialog box closes and the module is added to the list of Modules for the role.

  3. Repeat the previous step to add as many modules as the role requires.

  4. Click Next to move to the next step.

Step 2: Adding service-based alerts

  1. Optional: Click Add alert to include service-based alerts to the role. A dialog box to specify the alerts appears.

    1. Select a service-based alert from the Alerts drop-down list.

    2. Optional: Click yes in the Mandatory section to force the subscription to alert all users with the current role. By default, the alert is not mandatory.

    3. Click Ok.

  2. Repeat the previous step to add as many alerts as the role requires.

  3. Click Next.

Step 3: Adding investigations

  1. Optional: Click Add investigation to share existing investigations with all users who have the current role assigned. A dialog box to specify the investigation appears.

    1. Export an investigation or a folder of investigations from Finder to the clipboard.

    2. Paste the contents of the clipboard into the dialog box.

    3. Click Add. The dialog box closes and the investigation is added to the Investigations list for the role.

  2. Repeat the previous step to add as many investigations as the role requires.

  3. Click Next.

Step 4: Adding one-click investigations

  1. Optional: Export a pack with all the one-click investigations that you want to add to the role from Finder.

  2. Paste the pack of one-click investigations into the text field.

  3. Click Next.

Step 5: Adding investigation-based alerts

  1. Optional: Click Add alert to include investigation-based alerts to the role from Finder. A dialog box to specify the alert appears.

    1. Export an alert or a folder of alerts from Finder to the clipboard.

    2. Paste the contents of the clipboard into the text field.

    3. Click Add. The dialog box closes and the alert is added to the Alerts list for the role.

      • The syslog notification mechanism of global alerts is local to Engine where the global alert was created and, therefore, not propagated to other Engines via roles. If you add a global alert with syslog notification enabled to a role, the system only propagates the email notification mechanism to the users with that role.

  2. Repeat the previous step to add as many alerts as the role requires.

  3. Click Next.

Step 6: Adding remote actions

This step is available only if you have purchased the Nexthink Act license. Only the administrator or users with the right to edit remote actions in their profile can assign role-based remote actions to other users.

  1. Optional: Click Add remote action to assign a remote action to the current role. A dialog box appears.

    1. Select a remote action from the drop-down list. Only manually triggered remote actions are available in the list.

    2. Click Ok to add the remote action.

  2. Repeat the previous step to add as many remote actions as the role requires.

  3. Click Finish. The list of roles in the dashboard now contains the new role.


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