Microsoft Entra ID connector Thinklet

This page outlines different actions to select when configuring Thinklets with Microsoft Entra ID.

To connect Microsoft Graph API with the Nexthink platform, you must configure API credentials. For detailed instructions, refer to the Entra ID integration documentation for workflows.

Refer to the Permissions section in the Microsoft documentation to view the required authorizations.

Action: Get user UUID

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Get user UUID, retrieves a user Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). The Thinklet relies on the Get a User API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters:

    • Username: Active Directory username

  • Outputs

    • UUID (uuid): User ID

Action: Check if a user is in a group

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Check if a user is in a group, verifies whether a user belongs to the Entra ID group. If the system finds the user within the group, the Outputs field remains empty. If the user is absent from the group or you submit an unsupported query, the Outputs field produces either the Request_ResourceNotFound or Request_UnsupportedQuery error accordingly.

The Thinklet relies on the List a user's direct memberships API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters

    • Group UUID: Active Directory group ID

    • User UUID: Entra ID user UUID

  • Outputs

    • Error code (groupPresenceErrorCode): Error code

Action: Check if a device is member of a group

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Check if a device is member of a group, verifies whether a device belongs to the Entra ID group. If the system finds the user within the group, the Outputs field remains empty. If the user is absent from the group or you submit an unsupported query, the Outputs field produces either the Request_ResourceNotFound or Request_UnsupportedQuery error accordingly.

The Thinklet relies on the List device memberships API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters

    • Device object ID: Device Azure ID

    • Group UUID: Active Directory group ID

  • Outputs

    • Error code (groupPresenceErrorCode): Error code

Action: Add user to group

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Add user to group, adds a user to the Entra ID group.

The Thinklet relies on the Add members API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters

    • User UUID: User Azure ID

    • Group UUID: UUID of the Entra ID group to which you want to add the user

  • Outputs

Action: Remove a user from a group

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Remove a user from a group, removes a user from the Entra ID group.

The Thinklet relies on the Remove member API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters

    • User UUID: User Azure ID

    • Group UUID: UUID of the Entra ID group from which you want the user removed

  • Outputs

Action: Get user manager

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Get user manager, is designed to retrieve user manager information.

The Thinklet relies on the List manager API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.

  • Parameters

    • AD user name: Active Directory username


  • Manager user UUID (ManagerUserUUID): Manager user UUID

  • Manager UPN (User Principal Name) (ManagerUPN): Manager UPN (User Principal Name)

  • Manager email address (ManagerEmailAddress): Manager email address

Action: Check user license

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Check user license, is designed to verify whether a specific user has a particular license assigned in Azure. The Thinklet relies on the List licenseDetails API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.


  • AD user name: Active Directory username

  • Software license SKU Part Number: skuPartNumber property of global workflow parameter SKU Part Number


  • Software license SKU part number (outputSkuPartNumber): Software license SKU part number

  • SKU ID (skuId): SKU internal ID

Action: Get user details

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Get user details, is designed to retrieve user details like job title, mobile phone number and office location.

The Thinklet relies on the Get user API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.


  • AD user name: Active Directory username


  • User job title (UserJobTitle): User job title

  • User mobile phone (UserMobilePhone): User mobile phone

  • User office location (UserOfficeLocation): User office location

Action: Get device object ID

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Get device object ID, retrieves the device UUID.

The Thinklet relies on the List devices API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.


  • Device name: Active Directory device name


  • Device object ID (DeviceObjectID): Device object ID

Action: Add device to the group

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Add device to the group, adds the device to the group.

The Thinklet relies on the Add members API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.


  • Device object ID: Entra ID device ID

  • Group UUID: UUID of the Entra ID group to which you want to add the device


  • None

Action: Remove device from the group

The Nexthink Workflow connector Thinklet Remove device from the group, removes the device from the group.

The Thinklet relies on the Remove member API endpoint provided by Microsoft Graph.


  • Device object ID: Entra ID device ID

  • Group UUID: UUID of the Entra ID group from which you want to remove the device


  • None

Refer to the Configuring Connector Thinklet documentation for more information about connectors Thinklets.

Last updated