Automatic categorization of binaries

This Technical Preview is made available to customers free of charge for their evaluation and feedback; on general availability the functionalities of the preview may be subject to additional cost and/or licensing. As such, the Technical Preview, the documentation, and any updates are provided for limited evaluation only and on an ‘as-is’ and ‘as-available’ basis without warranty of any kind.


IT Teams often face challenges in understanding the types of applications their organization's employees use due to the overwhelming number of binary names and thousands of product names. To address this, Nexthink has introduced product categories powered by generative AI. You can gain a comprehensive overview of application usage by grouping binaries and products into intuitive categories.

There are currently 35 product categories, with an unspecified Other category and another marked with the - symbol for situations where labeling is not feasible. These extras are also present in the currently available 10 to 20 subcategories, depending on the category.

Customer benefits

Automatic categorization of binaries not only aids in user segmentation and persona development but also helps identify shadow IT. Additionally, it provides more context when troubleshooting, enabling better assessment of alerts and binary insights. Experience a smarter, more efficient way to manage and understand your IT landscape with Nexthink.

AI is constantly being improved, and the product team has taken steps to ensure the feature provides accurate data. If the data is erroneous, you can either report your findings to the team or perform manual improvements through the system in place.


This technical preview is available in all regions.

Customer commitment

Your active participation and feedback are pivotal in helping us refine our product to meet your evolving needs. We look forward to collaborating with you to create an even better user experience.

Enabling Technical Preview

This technical preview is available to all customers.

Last updated