Methods for reusing authored content (classic)

Nexthink Finder is a Windows-only desktop application whose functionality is now available within the Nexthink web interface. Nexthink can now be used directly from a browser and most functions no longer require an additional desktop application.


A situation may arise when you’d like to share content that you have created, either in Finder or the Nexthink web interface, with others. Within a normal setup, defined as an installation with one Nexthink web interface and several connected Engines, you can create content that other system users instantly share. Some examples of this include centralized content created with Finder or content associated to roles.

Manual import/export in Finder

Other types of content that you create in Finder are local to each Engine. To share local content:

  1. Connect to the Engine, which holds the elements that you wish to share with Finder

  2. Export the elements manually and then connect to the target Engine to import them back.

This manual method is also valid for exporting local or centralized content to Engines in different setups as long as dependencies are respected. For instance, to export an investigation with conditions that include a category not present in the target Engine, you must import the category beforehand.

Publishing modules

The Nexthink web interface has its own way of sharing content among different users: administrators can publish the modules they create and optionally assign them to roles so that other users can benefit from them. This method, however, does not let you take content from one instance of Nexthink web interface and import it into another. This latter scenario typically occurs when you have separate pre-production and production environments.

Content packs

To export a coherent set of Finder and web interface elements at the same time, use content packs. A content pack groups multiple items of Finder content and the Nexthink web interface modules into a single file. For instance, if you take the previous dependency example, in the same content pack, you can include an investigation and the categories on which the investigation depends. Similarly, when exporting the Nexthink web interface modules, you would want to include the metrics and the services on which the modules depend in the same content pack. The following articles explain how to import content packs or make your own content packs.

Nexthink Library

Ready-made content packs are available from Nexthink Library. The packs in the Library are designed to provide you with customizable solutions for different IT areas: security, transformation, compliance, etc. The method to import a library pack differs from importing a content pack from a file.

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#451: 2024.8-Overview of integration DOC

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