Checklists management

Checklists let you visualize fields, such as device properties, custom fields, and the output of remote actions within Device View and Amplify.

Checklist visualization provides quick insights on critical parameters for analyzing issues related to the health and performance of a device.

Required permissions for checklists

Select Administration > Roles in the main menu to configure the role permission settings required by checklists.

Tick the following permissions under the Diagnostics drop-down:

  • View all checklists permission allows specific user roles to see all the checklists available in Device View and Amplify.

    • Even if users do not have the View all checklists permission, they can still see specific checklists associated with their role.

  • Manage all checklist permissions allows specific user roles to create, edit, delete and share all checklists

If associated actions, such as workflows, are available in the checklist, users only see the actions they have permission to execute manually.

Refer to the Checklists documentation to learn how to run associated actions from checklists in the Device view.

Nexthink displays rating indicators only for checklist properties for which a rating has been configured.

Accessing the Checklists administration page

To access the Checklists administration page, select Administration > Checklists from the main menu.

Built-in checklists

Checklists installed from Library

Nexthink offers a set of preconfigured checklists that you can manually install from Nexthink Library. Go to the Nexthink Library module within your Nexthink instance to install, manage, and update predefined checklists.

Checklists copied from Library

A checklist that was copied from the Nexthink Library module. You can modify the copied checklists to fit your needs. Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information.

Custom checklists

Creating a checklist from scratch lets you view desired data according to your needs and use cases. Refer to Creating checklists for more information.

Creating checklists

Your user role must have proper permissions to create checklists.

To create checklists, from the Administration > Checklists page:

  1. Click on the New checklist button in the top-right corner of the Checklist configuration page.

  2. Fill out the fields on the checklist configuration page:

    • You may select a specific OS by using the Platform selection dropdown to limit the visibility of checklists depending on the OS of the investigated device.

    • Enter the Name and Description.

In addition, you can also import a JSON file to create a Custom checklist.

Adding properties to a checklist

To add properties to a checklist, from the Checklist configuration page:

  1. Add properties by selecting the fields to add to the checklist.

  2. Filter the checklist properties using the drop-down menu, or enter a specific property name into the search box.

  3. Click Done to add the selected properties to the checklists.

Once you've added the properties, you can:

  • Click and drag the property item, to custom sort the properties in the checklist.

  • Click the cancel icon, to remove the property from the checklist.

You can add up to 35 properties per checklist, including a maximum of 20 Custom field properties defined by Computed custom fields.

Refer to the Nexthink Infinity thresholds and limits overview documentation for more information.

Formatting data for checklist properties added from custom fields

Adding checklist properties from custom fields defined by an NQL query that contains the as() function, for example format = percent ) , allows the system to display checklist property values with units in the following data formats:

  • percent

  • currency

  • energy

  • bitrate

  • weight

Refer to the NQL as() documentation to learn how to format data in NQL queries.

Grouping checklist properties

To group property items in a checklist, from the Checklist configuration page:

  1. Click the Add group button, and enter the name of the group.

  2. Click Add properties under group.

After adding a group, you can:

  • Click the up or down arrows next to the group name to reorder the groups.

  • Delete a group and remove all the associated properties of the group from the checklist.

Adding property details and associated actions

After adding properties to a checklist, add the following property details:

  1. Click over a property item to reveal in the right-side panel the Associated actions, Display name and Documentation fields.

  2. Type in the Associated actions field to choose the remote actions or workflows your users see in the checklist.

  3. Add a custom Display name to show:

    • An understandable name of the property in Amplify and Device View for all users.

    • A readable name of the property in Amplify and Device View that better fits the UI.

  4. In the Documentation field, add custom text and links for the property.

    • The documentation can contain up to 1000 characters, including special characters and formatting characters.

    • To format the text, use the below syntax

      • To highlight the content in bold, prefix the text with # followed by space

      • To add bullets, prefix the text with - followed by space

      • To add a hyperlink, add round brackets to the text that should be visible to the reader and add square brackets to the link: (reference-text)[reference-link]. Prefix all links with http:// or https://.

  5. Save the associated actions, display name and documentation for the properties.

Relevant considerations when adding property details:

  • The Documentation field is compatible with markdown. You can use an external markdown editor to copy and paste the markdown-formatted content into the documentation section. The Nexthink web interface displays the supported formatted content within the checklist container.

  • Property details are checklist-specific. Therefore, you can save different associated actions, display name and documentation of the same property on a different checklist.

  • If you unselect a property with associated actions, display name and documentation from the checklist and save the checklist, the content of the property is still saved at a checklist level.

  • If you delete a particular custom field or remote action that functions as a checklist property, the associated action, display name and documentation are automatically deleted.

  • If you delete a checklist that contains properties with associated actions, display name and documentation, these property details are also deleted.

Managing checklists

To manage checklists, from the Administration > Checklists page:

  1. Hover over a checklist to reveal the action menu on the right side of the list.

  2. You can Edit, Edit tags, Share, Export, or Delete.

Tagging checklists

Adding tags helps users filter and suggest checklists based on your specific requirements.

To tag checklists, from the Administration > Checklists page:

  1. Select Edit tags from the action menu of a checklist to open the Tags pop-up.

  2. Type in a new tag or choose an existing one to add it to the checklist.

Optionally, from Tags pop-up, click the action menu of the tag to remove or change the tag color.

Sharing checklist permissions

To sharing checklist permissions, from the Administration > Checklists page:

  1. Select Share from the action menu of the checklist.

  2. Add the profile you wish to share the checklist with.

  3. Select View checklist from the Select permissions drop-down menu.

  4. Click Grant permissions to grant the selected profile permissions for the checklist.

In the Share dashboard modal, find a list of profiles that the dashboard is shared with. To remove permissions for a specific profile:

  • Hover over the permissions column of a profile to reveal the action menu.

  • Click Remove all permissions.

Exporting checklists

Export any checklist to a JSON file. You can use exported checklists to import them into another Nexthink instance.

To export checklists, from the Administration > Checklists page:

  1. Select Export from the action menu of the checklist.

  2. Find the JSON file in the downloads folder of your browser.

Importing checklists

To import checklists, from the Administration > Checklists page:

  1. Click on the Import button in the top-right corner of the page.

  2. Navigate and Open to the JSON file you wish to import.

The imported checklist appears on the checklists administration page.

When importing checklists from another Nexthink instance, import first the associated actions, custom fields and ratings to ensure correct property matching.

Built-in checklists

Campaigns installed from Library

Nexthink offers a set of campaigns you can manually install from the Nexthink Library. Library campaigns are preconfigured and designed to gather user data on issues related to specific use cases and solutions, and can also execute remote actions following specific answers or results. Go to the Nexthink Library module within your Nexthink instance to see all available library campaigns.

Custom campaigns

Custom campaigns allow you to ask users specific questions or convey information to them with ease. You can also configure campaigns to execute remote actions following specific answers or results. Refer to Getting started with Remote Actions for more information.

Last updated

#451: 2024.8-Overview of integration DOC

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