Usage guide: Intune health


This library pack will help you monitor Intune client adoption, compliance, and stability across your entire environment to quickly diagnose and remediate client issues. This page will guide you through the structure of the content and how it can be used.

Please keep in mind this is a guide and represents just some of the potential insight and actions you can take. There are many use cases and specific troubleshooting scenarios that you might uncover in your environment.

Ensure your library pack is properly configured by following the steps highlighted in its configuration guide:

Configuration guide: Intune health

Pack structure

Overview of the Intune client environment.

The "Intune health" live dashboard acts as the central point of this library pack. Using this dashboard, you can detect and resolve the most common issues related to Intune on endpoints: devices that are not enrolled in Intune or do not comply with certain policies; health and stability of Intune binaries on devices; client performance and client network connection details.

Advanced troubleshooting and remediation

For more in-depth investigations, you can rely on the results of specific data-gathering remote actions.

  • Get Intune device status (Windows only): collects Intune client component health information and enrollment diagnostic data.

  • Get Intune synchronization status (Windows only): collects sync diagnostics and enforcement data for Intune client policies.

  • Get Intune compliance status (Windows only): helps to understand whether devices enrolled in Intune are flagged as compliant or noncompliant.

Some of these data-gathering remote actions are used to populate the live dashboard and should already be scheduled. You can query the results by investigating KPIs from the Live dashboard or from your own investigations.

To resolve some of the detected issues, the following remote actions can be triggered when required:

  • Get Intune client diagnostic (Windows only): This remote action collects the Intune client diagnostic logs, creates a single archive of those logs, and stores it in the following folder on the device: "C:\Users\Public\Documents".

  • Invoke Intune policy synchronization (Windows only): forces the Intune client policy to sync on the device.

  • Invoke Intune failed app remediation (Windows only): helps to remediate failed application deployments on endpoint devices.

Use cases

Identify areas of improvement

The summary tab provides a quick overview of the health of Intune clients in your organization. Based on this information, you can navigate to the appropriate tab for more detailed troubleshooting.

Filters above the dashboard help you focus on a specific area, device, or platform type. The time picker can also be used to view data on a more granular or long-term time scale.

Monitor Intune client adoption

The Adoption tab allows you to track the progress of your ongoing Intune adoption or migration projects from Configuration Manager to Intune. This can be done using convenient KPIs and line charts.

To view long-term trends, you can use the custom trend-based line chart titled "Devices running management clients - Past 13 Months." This chart displays data on devices running Intune and Configuration Manager over the past 13 months.

Ensure Intune client reliability and compliance

The Health and Compliance tab enables you to:

  • Track devices that are noncompliant with your defined Intune policies.

  • Monitor and investigate Intune client component issues.

  • Track Intune sync and policy application errors.

Use the Drill Down and Investigate option to find devices affected by health issues or noncompliant with Intune policies:

  1. Click the "Investigate" option to get a list of devices with unhealthy clients.

  2. Make sure these devices are not affected by connection issues by using the Network connectivity tab.

  3. Deploy the "Invoke Intune Policy Synchronization" remote action to initiate Intune client synchronization.

If the issue persists:

  1. Check whether these devices can communicate with Intune resources.

  2. Trigger the "Get Intune Client Diagnostics" remote action to generate an archive of Intune diagnostic logs for further investigation.

Monitor client performance and stability

Use the Performance and Stability tab to ensure the client operates stably and does not cause performance issues on devices. Convenient KPIs and line charts help you identify devices where the Intune binary intunewindowsagent.exe is unstable or consumes excessive resources. By breaking down data by Entity and Version, you can pinpoint connectivity issues in specific locations or identify client versions that are unstable on specific Windows versions.

Monitor and troubleshoot device enrollment issues

Enrollment is crucial for managing endpoints with Intune. Enrollment issues can lead to noncompliant states, potential security breaches, and poor user experience due to outdated or missing apps and settings.

The Enrollment tab allows you to monitor devices as they undergo both automatic and manual enrollment processes. It also provides tools to troubleshoot any enrollment issues that arise.

To investigate further, use the "Get Intune Client Diagnostics" remote action, which creates an archive of Intune troubleshooting logs.

Monitor Intune network connection data

As a cloud-based solution, it is crucial for Intune clients to maintain connectivity to Intune resources. The Network Connectivity tab helps identify devices experiencing network issues both in the short and long term and provides insight into the Intune traffic flow. By using breakdowns by entity and binary version, you can pinpoint issues related to specific binary versions or locations.


Last updated

#451: 2024.8-Overview of integration DOC

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