
The new experience web application dashboards are in technical preview. Features and usability may change before the General Availability (GA) release. Refer to the Old vs. new web applications dashboards documentation page for more information about the benefits of using the new experience dashboards, their latest and upcoming features, and the significant changes introduced.

The Overview dashboard is designed to assist service managers, application owners and end-user computing (EUC) teams in monitoring employee experience and application adoption.

Nexthink gathers information that facilitates the management of application roadmaps and lifecycles, providing insights into how employees use business services, which features they access most frequently and their overall experience with these services.

Experience metrics

The Experience section tracks an application's performance metrics such as page load time, transaction duration and errors. For detailed information about these metrics, refer to the Page loads, Transactions and Reliability documentation.

Adoption metrics

The Adoption section tracks the deployment of new applications, expansion of existing software into new countries or the introduction of specific new features via upgrades. It also helps in tracking license usage ratios to identify opportunities for cost optimization and highlight compliance issues.


The Employees metric represents the total number of unique employees who have focused on the application, meaning they have had a browser tab with the application open at least once, resulting in a usage time greater than 0.

This metric can differ from the number of employees in the Page loads dashboard for several reasons:

  • The Page loads metric counts employees with at least one page load, while the Employee metric counts instances where a user focused on a browser tab, even if they haven’t navigated to it. This can occur when a user opened the tab outside of the selected dashboard timeframe.

  • Users may navigate to a page without focusing on it if the page loads in the background.

  • The Page loads metric only retrieves hard navigations, unless soft navigations have been enabled. The Employees metric includes both soft and hard navigations by default.

Each data point on the line chart represents the sum of unique employees whose usage time is greater than 0 during a specific time bucket. Therefore, the cumulative value of all data points on the line chart should always be equal to or greater than the KPI value.

Usage time per employee

This metric represents the average usage time or focus time per employee within a selected timeframe on the dashboard. Usage time includes both the time spent on page loads and the duration when employees are not interacting with the page but have the tab focused. Usage time per employee is calculated as the total focused usage time across all employees in a given timeframe, divided by the number of distinct employees.

On the line chart, each plotted point represents the average usage time per employee, calculated across all unique active users within a specified time bucket—15 minutes, 1 hour or 1 day, depending on the chosen timeframe.

Page views per employee

This metric represents the average number of navigations per employee within a selected timeframe, considering both hard and soft navigations.


Filter adoption metrics by Key pages, Transactions and Organization.

Key pages

Configure key pages for each application individually. Key pages break an application down into functionally relevant parts based on the application URL patterns. For each page, see the number of unique employees, usage time per employee and page views per employee.


Transactions complement the monitoring of page loads by tracking important changes of state within a web application that do not necessarily require a complete reload of the page. View the number of employees, completed transactions and completed transactions per employee.


The Organization table displays metrics by your organization's classification. Select the organization level from the dropdown list. Refer to the Product configuration documentation for more information on how to define entities and custom classification for your organization.

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#451: 2024.8-Overview of integration DOC

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