Checking and comparing ratings (classic)

Some functionality of Experience Optimization is linked with Finder (classic).

Nexthink Finder is a Windows-only desktop application whose functionality is now available within the Nexthink web interface. Nexthink can now be used directly from a browser and most functions no longer require an additional desktop application.

Once you have a set of scores defined, see the actual ratings of devices or users by either:

  • Opening the device or user view of a particular device or user.

  • Adding a score column to the displayed results of an investigation on devices or users.

Note that some scores or subscores may be configured to be displayed exclusively in the Nexthink web interface and not in Finder. These scores are visible neither from the device view nor the user view, and they are not eligible to be displayed in the results of an investigation. Some other scores may be configured to be visible in Finder only in the context of defining a quantity metric.

To learn about the different ways to open the device and user views in Finder, see the article on observing the activity of users and devices.

To learn about adding columns to the list of results of an investigation, see how to edit the options of an investigation or modify its displayed results.

Checking scores in the device and user views

In the device and user view of Finder, up to 10 score tabs are placed to the right of the Timeline and Properties tabs, depending on the number of scores that you have defined. Each tab displays the name of the score and its current value.

In addition:

  • If the score defines thresholds, a colored line at the top of the tab indicates the status of the score according to its current value.

  • If the score defines no thresholds, the score has no status and no special color is shown in the tab.

  • If the Cross-Engine features are enabled in Finder, a user score is averaged over the individual scores of the user on each Engine where the user was active.

Finder arranges score tabs by the names of the scores in alphabetical order. If more than 10 scores are available for devices or users, Finder ignores those in excess. Additionally, Finder ignores those scores whose current value is null.

Breakdown of a score

Click on a score tab to see the list of leaf scores that make up the main score. If the main score has composite subscores, the leaf scores are organized into groups under the names of the composite subscores to which they belong. The names of the composite subscores act therefore as section headers.

Leaf scores let you reason about the causes for a main score to have a particular value. For instance, in the case of main score having a mediocre value, its decomposition into leaf scores may let you find out whether the final value is caused by a generally medium value of leaf subscores or if there are just a couple of leaf scores with very low values that take the overall value down. For a score that measures Device performance, for example, it would be the difference between having to upgrade the whole device (if all leaf scores perform poorly), or upgrading just the hard disk (if only the leaf scores related to storage are really low).

For each leaf score, Finder displays:

  • The value of the leaf score with a background color indicating its status (if any).

  • The name of the leaf score.

  • The actual value of the field or computation on which the score is based.

Hover the cursor over the value or the name of the leaf score to get its description in a tooltip.

Status of a score

Scores that define thresholds have a status. The status of a score is indicated by a color which depends on its value. There are three possible statuses:

  • Green, which means good.

  • Yellow, which means bad.

  • Red, which means critical.

The thresholds that determine the ranges of values for each status, as well as their labels, are set in the definition of the score and hence they are configurable.

The status of a score is indicated by the color of the line at the top of its corresponding tab. In its turn, the status of a leaf subscore is indicated by the background color used to display its value. Scores and subscores with no status show no special color.

Viewing score values in investigations

When selecting the display columns of either devices or users, find the Scores section at the bottom of the selection dialog. For each defined score, select either the main score or any subscore that you wish to see in the list of results of the investigation.

Whereas the device and user views let you see all the scores of a particular device or user, investigations let you compare the value of a particular score among many devices or users at the same time.

When examining the scores of users on the List (all entities), the score of a user is averaged over the individual scores of the user on each Engine where the user was active. Note that the same device that is active on several Engines is considered a different device by each Engine. Thus, on the List (all entities) view, a single device has a different entry per Engine and displays the local score on each entry.

Scores with a null value are represented with a dash sign (-) in the lists of results of an investigation.

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#451: 2024.8-Overview of integration DOC

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