Creating Campaigns
There are several ways to create your campaign, including installing a campaign from Nexthink Library and triggering it without any customization. You can also create a copy of a campaign from Nexthink Library or create a custom campaign from scratch or with the support of Nexthink Assist.
Installing a campaign from Nexthink Library
To install a campaign from Nexthink Library:
Select Nexthink Library from the main menu.
Search for the campaign library pack or library content you wish to install.
Install the content. Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information.
Navigate back to the Campaigns administration page where you can edit and customize the library campaign to your needs:
Customize the sender name and image.
Review and adjust questions.
Publish the campaign when you are ready to use it.
You can update the previously installed library campaigns if a newer version is available.
All configurations will be lost after you update a library campaign from the Nexthink Library module. Only campaigns in a Draft state retain the data structure of ongoing and past campaigns.
Creating a copy of a campaign from Nexthink Library
Use a copy of a library campaign as a starting point for a custom campaign. This approach allows you to jump-start the campaign creation process while retaining flexibility over the customization of the content.
Creating a copy of a campaign allows you to create multiple, similar campaigns quickly. Let’s say you wanted to create multiple sentiment campaigns for employees in different regions. Search for the Digital Experience - Sentiment campaign in the Nexthink Library module and create multiple copies of it, one for each region. Then, adjust each campaign for each region as you see fit.
Select Nexthink Library from the main menu.
Search for the campaign library content of which you wish to create a custom copy.
Create a copy of the content. Refer to the Nexthink Library documentation for more information.
The system redirects you to the Create campaign page where you can:
Choose a custom name and NQL ID for the campaign.
Customize the sender name and image.
Review and adjust questions.
Publish the campaign when you are ready to use it.
Creating a custom campaign
Select Campaign from the main menu.
Click on the New button in the navigation menu.
On the New Campaigns Draft page, three tabs help you define the new campaign.
Enter the campaign name, NQL ID, description, trigger option, priority, multiple languages option, sender information and parameters. Refer to the Types of campaigns documentation for more information.
Create questions for the employees. Click on the Add new question button to start. The campaign must have at least one question other than the final message before you can publish it. Choose from different types of questions: single answer, multiple choice, option scale, net promoter score (NPS) and a final message from the modal. Refer to the Types of questions and Controlling the flow of questions documentation for more information.
Translate the content of the campaign into different languages to ensure a good understanding of the message you wish to convey to your employees.
The system translates fixed UI elements, such as buttons, for the following languages: Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Select the Schedule checkbox in the General tab to enable the scheduling of campaigns.
Targeting query
Write an NQL query to define who receives a campaign. You can use queries that return users in the following forms:
Query that starts with
.Query that starts with
and return a columnuser_sid
in its list statement (query must include| list ..., user_sid, ...
. Such queries are used to target users whose device is facing an issue. For example, the last users of devices that experienced system crashes in the last week:
The system evaluates the query after the campaign is published and sends it based on the schedule you define below. Refer to the Campaigns NQL examples for more information.
Target users will receive the campaign
Choose one of the following options to define how the system sends the campaign.
Once you publish the campaign you cannot change this setting.
Only once: The campaign will only be sent once, and will never recur. Use this option, for example, for employee onboarding campaigns, one-time surveys or notifications, and other one-time communication. With this option, the system evaluates the NQL query every 24 hours from the time the campaign is published, to ensure only those employees who have not yet answered or declined the campaign receive it.
Again after: Enables recurring campaigns. Use this option, for example, for proactive fixes, a reminder to restart computers regularly or for surveys that need to be sent at regular intervals. To provide more immediate feedback, the system evaluates the campaign hourly.
To protect employees from unnecessary interruption, they will not receive the campaign if they have already answered it or declined it within the selected timeframe. For example, if you choose the campaign to be resent again after 1 week, the system will resend it 7 days after the employee has either answered or declined the campaign. If you choose 1 month, the system will resend it 30 days after the employee has either answered or declined the campaign.
Refer to the in-product documentation for more information. You can find it in the right-side menu.
Authoring and formatting content of a campaign
Rich text formatting
Enhance employee experience by formatting campaign questions and the campaign’s final message using the rich text editor of the Text field. The text formatting options include bold on macOS endpoints; and underline, italics, hyperlinks, different font sizes, bullet points, and line breaks on macOS and Windows endpoints. Leverage different text sizes by using larger text to emphasize the question and smaller text for greetings and introductory text.
Personalizing questions and final message
Personalize your message by including the employee’s name inside the Text fields for questions, but not in the Choice text fields for answers. Simply write {colleague}
or {user}
anywhere in the Text field and the placeholder will be replaced by the actual name of the employee who receives the campaign. The system uses the value you place in the curly brackets as a default value in case there is an error retrieving the employee's name. Note that when previewing the campaign the placeholder is not substituted and appears as is.
For parametric campaign, personalize further the Text fields for questions by writing {{parameter_id}}
anywhere in the Text field and the placeholder will be replaced by the value of the parameter with ID parameter_id
given when sending the campaign.
Formatting hyperlinks
A hyperlink must have the appropriate format depending on the link type. Currently, Nexthink supports http, https, mailto, im:sip and schemes links.
Web link:
Email link:
Instant messaging links:
Self-service software portals links:
Enter the desired text into the Text field and select part of it. Click on the insert icon to provide an URL. Click on the Add link button to insert the link into the selected part of the text.
When an employee clicks a link in a campaign, the operating system opens the application associated with the protocol.
Refer to the Types of questions and Controlling the flow of questions documentation for more information.
Previewing a campaign
Click the Preview button located in the top-right corner of the page before saving your campaign. This allows you to inspect how employees will see the campaign on their own devices. In the preview, the campaign does not record any answers, choices or comments.
Saving a campaign
Click Save campaign to save any changes without publishing your new campaign. The campaign status turns to Draft, which means that you can return to editing it at a later time. You cannot change the Campaign NQL ID after you save a campaign to support consistent and accurate results when queried via NQL.
Publishing a campaign
Click on the Publish button in the top-right corner of the page to turn a campaign draft into a published campaign. The system sends the published campaign to employees according to the campaign's schedule.
For retired campaigns, click on the Republish button in the top-right corner of the page to reactivate the campaign.
You can publish and republish campaigns if the Manage all campaigns permissions are assigned to your role. Refer to the Roles documentation for more information.
Republished campaigns reevaluate campaign recipients as defined by the NQL query:
A scheduled one-time campaign does not retarget employees who answered or declined the campaign while it was active.
A scheduled recurring campaign does not retarget employees who answered or declined the campaign within the selected time period while it was active.
Newly created campaigns may take up to 5 minutes to appear on the Campaign overview page.
Retiring a campaign
Click on the Retire button located in the top-right corner of the page to retire a published campaign. Once retired, the system updates the state of campaign responses that are still in a non-final state (planned, targeted) to retired. Campaign responses in the canceled, answered, or declined state remain unchanged.
After retiring, the system removes the campaign from endpoints. Note that if a campaign is displayed on the endpoint at the time of retirement, the system does not forcibly close it, allowing users to finish interacting with it. If a user responds to a campaign already on their endpoint’s screen, the system still records their answers and updates their response state to answered accordingly.
When the campaign is retired, you can adjust its content, including its structure and triggers. Consider the following aspects if your campaign already has responses from employees:
When you add a question, it appears on the campaign dashboard with 0 responses.
When you remove a question, it disappears from the campaign dashboard, the CSV export, and the NQL in the campaign-specific response table. For example,
will not include fields starting withanswers.question_nql_id
anymore.When you add a choice to a question, it appears on the campaign dashboard with 0 answers.
When you remove a choice to a question, it disappears from the bar chart of the campaign dashboard. Its value remains accessible in the CSV export and from NQL.
When you add or remove parameters, make sure to adjust any workflow or third-party system triggering the parametric campaign accordingly. When you remove a parameter, its value is not available anymore in the campaign-specific response table. For example,
will not include the fieldparameters.parameter_nql_id
anymore.You can freely change the triggers among Manual, Schedule and API. However, you cannot change Remote action trigger to another value to ensure that you retain access to the built-in dashboard.
In case you change a campaign trigger to Schedule, note that the history of requests is taken into account and is not reset. For example, a one-off campaign will not retarget employees that have already answered or declined the campaign, even after republishing it.
A warning message appears if you remove questions or answer choices or if you add or remove parameters.
Data about deleted questions or parameters remains available in the columns answers
and parameters
of the campaign.responses
table, in JSON format, suitable for export purposes.
Last updated
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