System alerts (classic)

System alerts inform you of special circumstances during system operation. There are four types of system alerts. For each type of system alert, find below its associated warning messages along with the description of the situation that is at the origin of the alert.

The following recipients receive system alerts via email:

  • For license alerts, the contacts specified in the Nexthink contract

  • For all other types of system alerts, the admin account

License alerts

The Central License Manager (CLM) sends email notifications related to the status of the product license.

The recipients of the notification are those specified in the contract with Nexthink:

  • To: Customer contact

  • Cc: Partner contact

  • Cc: Nexthink sales contact

The following types of notifications exist:

Activation key

When a new license is created on the Central License Manager, the system sends an activation key. Users need this activation key to activate the product.

Modification of the license

When there is a modification made to a license in Central License Management, the system sends an automatic notification.

For online licenses, the system automatically applies the modification after a maximum of 6 hours. If necessary, you can force the refresh of the license by going to the web interface, opening the view License Management and clicking the refresh button in the upper-right corner of the page.

For offline licenses, the system will send the modified license file attached to the notification. You must upload this file using the web interface, in the view License Management so that the system can apply the changes.

The system only sends notifications if the license is active and not revoked.

License alerts

The Nexthink solution also sends another type of license notification.

Maximum number of licensed devices reached The system triggers this notification when an Engine instance reaches the maximum number of devices specified in the license and a new source appears in the network.

Limit alerts

Limit alerts warn you about a possible loss of information related to a technical limitation.

Too many processes started on [device IP address]/[device name]

Triggered when a single user starts more than 10,000 processes on a device within 15 minutes and the processes are running simultaneously. Engine does not store information about any other process for that user beyond that limit.

Too many connections generated by executable [executable name] on [device IP address]/[device name]

Triggered when more than 10,000 connections are established by a process on a device within 15 minutes. Engine does not store any more concurrent connections in Engine for that process beyond this limit.

Engine is about to reach or has reached the limit for the maximum number of ...

Triggered when Engine has already stored more than 95% of the maximum number of objects of a particular type. When Engine reaches this limit, it does not store any more objects of the given type. Engine generates this alert for the following types of objects:

- Binaries, the system allows a maximum of 40,000 binaries. - Domains, the system allows a maximum of 250,000 web domains.

Engine has detected a large number of the following objects, which might cause performance issues ...

Triggered when the number of objects of a particular type reaches an amount that may degrade the performance of Engine. Engine generates this alert for the following type of objects:

Destinations, when Engine has recorded more than 50,000 destinations.

The limit alerts for binaries, domains and destinations include additional information on the Engine instance that generated the alert and the user concerned.

Internal alerts

Internal alerts provide you with general information on the status of Engine.

Server started

Triggered when Nexthink Engine reboots.

Unable to connect to Nexthink Application Library

Occurs when Engine cannot connect to Application Library to get information on binaries and packages.

Server Crash alert

The system issues the server crash alert when there is an unrecoverable error in Engine.

Server crash

Triggered when Engine finds a minidump file in the database directory while rebooting, meaning that Engine has previously crashed.

Last updated

#451: 2024.8-Overview of integration DOC

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