Application Auto-Start Impact

To use this library pack the following remote actions need to be be executed on all devices.

Remote Action: Get Startup Impact

This Remote Action collect application startup impact measured by Windows 10. Can be found within the Nexthink Library > On Demand area:

Recommendation is to run this remote action every week because startup impact is evaluated by operating system after a complete boot.

The following investigation is ready to use to execute the Remote Action on all Windows 10 workstations: Application Auto-Start Impact - All Windows 10 computers

Remote Action: Disable application from Startup menu

This Remote Action allow to disable a list of application or all application not listed in the white list. Can be found within the Nexthink Library > Remediation area:

Application to disable or keep can be copied from Applications output of Get Startup Impact Remote Action.

Recommendation is to run this remote action every day.

Last updated